
Bitcoin market value analytics tool with insights

Scrooge McDuck's cryptocurrency insights - BitSights

Bitcoin market value analytics tool with insights.

Programming pre-assignment for Vincit Rising Star.

Symbols, abbreviations

Bitcoin, BTC, ₿

Euro, EUR, €

Notable information

  • Used market value data source is CoinGecko API
  • Price of the day is the price of BTC at 00:00 (UTC) or closest to UTC midnight
  • Market value (price of the day) given in EUR
  • Date format YYYY-MM-DD

DISCLAIMER: The tool cannot do any reliable predictions into the future, only to analyse historical data of market values.


  • Date range user input
  • Longest downward (bearish) trend AND longest upward (bullish) trend within given date range
  • Date of highest trading volume within given date range and volume on that day in EUR
  • Insights for given date range:
    • Best day to buy BTC (note: historical data)
    • Best day to sell BTC (note: historical data)
    • Advices against buying and selling if market value trend on date range is bearish

Development status




Feature Status
UI layout ready
Date range input ready
Market value indicator ready
Market value indicator (bearish/bullish) ready
Longest bullish trend length ready
Longest bearish trend length ready
Buying/Selling recommendations ready


  • Vanilla JS, React, Redux Toolkit, MUI for UI and application state management
  • Axios for requesting data
  • JS functions for data mangling