Python scraper that scrapes specific tags from a website. Crawls to links within the main page and repeats the process n number of times as specified in the input.
The script accepts a json file with input in this sample format:
{"depth": "<Crawling depth in int>",
"scrapeSameDomain": "<Boolean to filter links with a different domain>",
"saveFileDir": "Directory/to/save",
"HTMLElementList": ["title", "script:src", "div", "p", "a:href", "label"],
"runURL": [
{"ID": "6961",
"URL": ""},
{"ID": "6962",
"URL": ""}],
"pstrings": "priority,strings,here"}
Splits a large input file into multiple files in preparation for running scraper with multiple instances
Runs multiple instances of with a for each entry on the target directory. Used in tandem with to enable multitasking to deal with a large number of inputs