
A set of transformations for Kafka Connect

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Kafka Connect Transforms

This project implements a set of generic Kafka Connect transformations that complement the built-in transformations.

The library can be downloaded from Maven central using com.redhat.insights.kafka:connect-transforms:${version} coordinates.


Sets either a message key (com.redhat.insights.kafka.connect.transforms.DropIf$Key) or message value (com.redhat.insights.kafka.connect.transforms.DropIf$Value) to null if the given predicate evaluates to true.

Unlike Drop, this transform does not alter the key/value schema. In cases where the schema does not allow for a key/value to be null the user of this transform is responsible for altering the schema.

This transform evaluates the predicate using an ECMAScript ScriptEngine instance. The message is made available to the expression under the record variable. Use record.key(), record.value() and record.headers() to access key, value and headers, respectively.

If the predicate evaluation fails, or the predicate returns non-boolean result, this is considered an error.

Configuration properties

Name Description Type Default Valid values Importance
if The predicate to be evaluated on each message string - Any valid ECMAScript expression that evaluates to a boolean HIGH


Assume the following configuration:

"transforms": "dropValue",
"transforms.dropValue.if": "record.value().get('country') == 'CZ'"

Example 1

  • Before: {"country": "CZ"}
  • After: null

Example 2

  • Before: {"country": "SK"}
  • After: {"country": "SK"}


Converts the given original field on a value to a JSON representation. This JSON representation is stored in the given destination field.

Configuration properties

Name Description Type Default Valid values Importance
originalField The field that will be serialized into JSON string - Any field name containing serializable data HIGH
destinationField The field that will contain the JSON data string - Any valid field name HIGH


Assume the following configuration:

"transforms.tagsToJson.type": "com.redhat.insights.kafka.connect.transforms.FieldToJson$Value",
"transforms.tagsToJson.originalField": "orig",
"transforms.tagsToJson.destinationField": "dest"
  • Before: {orig=[{key=value}]}
  • After: {orig=[{key=value}], dest="[{"key":"value"}]"}


Drops the entire record if the given predicate evaluates to false.

This transform evaluates the predicate using an ECMAScript ScriptEngine instance. The message is made available to the expression under the record variable. Use record.key(), record.value() and record.headers() to access key, value and headers, respectively.

If the predicate evaluation fails, or the predicate returns non-boolean result, this is considered an error.

Configuration properties

Name Description Type Default Valid values Importance
if The predicate to be evaluated on each message string - Any valid ECMAScript expression that evaluates to a boolean HIGH


Assume the following configuration:

"transforms": "filter",
"transforms.filter.if": "record['value']['country'] === 'CZ'"

Example 1

  • Before: SinkRecord{value={country=SK}}
  • After: null

Example 2

  • Before: SinkRecord{value={country=CZ}}
  • After: SinkRecord{value={country=CZ}}


Removes fields specified by the allowlist or denylist.

Configuration properties

Name Description Type Default Valid values Importance
field Name of the field to remove keys from string - Any valid field name HIGH
allowlist If set, keys not in this list will be removed from the field list - Any valid field name HIGH
denylist If set, keys in this list will be removed from the field list - Any valid field name HIGH


Assume the following configuration:

"transforms.filterFields.type": "com.redhat.insights.kafka.connect.transforms.FilterFields$Value",
"transforms.filterFields.field": "data",
"transforms.filterFields.denylist": "key1, key2",
  • Before: {"data":{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}}
  • After: {"data":{"key3":"value3"}}


Sets a key (com.redhat.insights.kafka.connect.transforms.InjectSchema$Key) or value (com.redhat.insights.kafka.connect.transforms.InjectSchema$Value) schema of a record. Intended primarily to enrich schemaless messages but can also be used to override an existing schema on the record.

This transform uses JsonConverter to parse a Connect schema from it's JSON format.

Configuration properties

Name Description Type Default Valid values Importance
schema The schema to be used string - Any valid Kafka Connect schema definition in the JSON format HIGH


Assume the following configuration:

"transforms": "injectSchema",
"transforms.injectSchema.schema": "{\"type\":\"string\",\"optional\":false}"
  • Before: value: "foo", schema: null
  • After: value: "foo", schema: Schema{STRING}