RHEL 8 demo Red Hat Forum 2019 (work in progress)

This is a setup and run guide for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 demo presented at Red Hat Forum in the Nordics 2019.

Short description:

Demonstrate how a base image can be deployed in an automated way to public cloud, including configuration and the use of Red Hat Insights to evaluate security.

RHEL8 virtual machine with composer

System requirements:

  • RHEL 8 virtual machine
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB recommended)
  • CPU: 2
  • A running instance of Ansible Tower
  • Public cloud credentials or local environment to deploy images to


If there is intention to show OpenSCAP policies with SCAP-Workbench, do a standard install with GUI. If that is not required, basic minimal install.

Post install:

subscription-manager register

subscription-manager attach --pool=<poolID>

Create rheldemo user and generate ssh key-pair:

useradd rheldemo

passwd rheldemo(use rheldemo as password)

usermod -aG wheel rheldemo

sudo su - rheldemo


The public key stored in /home/rheldemo/.ssh/id_rsa.pub should be used in your composer-toml file, and the private key stored in /home/rheldemo/.ssh/id_rsa should be added as a machine credential in Ansible Tower.

Enable and start Cockpit:

systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

Install Composer:

yum install -y lorax-composer composer-cli cockpit-composer

Start Composer:

systemctl enable --now lorax-composer.service

If intention is to later in demo show OpenSCAP policy in GUI, install required components:

yum install -y scap-security-guide openscap-scanner scap-workbench

Building an image with Composer

Logon to Cockpit UI and select the Composer plugin.

Create a new blueprint and select the following packages:

  • openssh
  • openssh-server
  • insights-client
  • openscap-scanner
  • scap-security-guide
  • platform-python

Customization of composer blueprint:

Export blueprint: composer-cli blueprints save <blueprint name>

Edit blueprint and add the following text at the end: (password = rheldemo + insert your ssh key)


name = "rheldemo"
description = "Red Hat Nordics"
password = "$6$qgtDGzzlmyqGnCOB$FA58kD2VZ1lmPB3rYib7jtH0a5tByi2Kwqp29Zw7rySqV.jnMAK9qbWUZ.OsDvO/jljWActCC9pmBiXBRZdAa/"
key = "<insert public ssh-key>"
home = "/home/rheldemo/"
shell = "/usr/bin/bash"
groups = ["users", "wheel"]

enabled = ["sshd", "cockpit.socket"]
disabled = ["postfix", "telnetd"]

Push changes back to Composer: composer-cli blueprints push <name_of_blueprint.toml>

Create desired images in Composer UI based on new blueprint.

Troubleshooting: Composer logs are stored under /var/log/lorax-composer

If issue in Composer GUI with inventory not loading: systemctl restart lorax-composer.service

Post install tasks (done with Ansible playbooks/roles):

subscription-manager register

subscription-manager attach --pool=<poolID>

Assign and remediate OpenSCAP OSPP security policy:

oscap xccdf eval --remediate --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_ospp --results scan.xml /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-rhel8-ds.xml

insights-client --register

insights-client --verbose --payload scan.xml --content-type application/vnd.redhat.compliance.something+tgz