
IJCAI2020 & IJCV 2020 :city_sunrise: Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python 3.6 License: MIT

In this repo, we provide the code for the two papers, i.e.,


  • Python 3.6
  • GPU Memory >= 11G (e.g., GTX2080Ti or GTX1080Ti)
  • Pytorch

Prepare Data

Download [GTA5] and [Cityscapes] to run the basic code. Alternatively, you could download extra two datasets from [SYNTHIA] and [OxfordRobotCar].

The data folder is structured as follows:

├── data/
│   ├── Cityscapes/  
|   |   ├── data/
|   |       ├── gtFine/
|   |       ├── leftImg8bit/
│   ├── GTA5/
|   |   ├── images/
|   |   ├── labels/
|   |   ├── ...
│   ├── synthia/ 
|   |   ├── RGB/
|   |   ├── GT/
|   |   ├── Depth/
|   |   ├── ...
│   └── Oxford_Robot_ICCV19
|   |   ├── train/
|   |   ├── ...



python train_ms.py --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5  --drop 0.1 --warm-up 5000 --batch-size 2 --learning-rate 2e-4 --crop-size 1024,512 --lambda-seg 0.5  --lambda-adv-target1 0.0002 --lambda-adv-target2 0.001   --lambda-me-target 0  --lambda-kl-target 0.1  --norm-style gn  --class-balance  --only-hard-label 80  --max-value 7  --gpu-ids 0,1  --often-balance  --use-se  

Generate Pseudo Label:

python generate_plabel_cityscapes.py  --restore-from ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5/GTA5_25000.pth

Stage-II (with recitfying pseudo label):

python train_ft.py --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug --restore-from ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5/GTA5_25000.pth --drop 0.2 --warm-up 5000 --batch-size 9 --learning-rate 1e-4 --crop-size 512,256 --lambda-seg 0.5 --lambda-adv-target1 0 --lambda-adv-target2 0 --lambda-me-target 0 --lambda-kl-target 0 --norm-style gn --class-balance --only-hard-label 80 --max-value 7 --gpu-ids 0,1,2 --often-balance  --use-se  --input-size 1280,640  --train_bn  --autoaug False

*** If you want to run the code without rectifying pseudo label, please change [this line] to 'from trainer_ms import AD_Trainer', which would apply the conventional pseudo label learning. ***


python evaluate_cityscapes.py --restore-from ./snapshots/1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug/GTA5_25000.pth

Trained Model

The trained model is available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smh1sbOutJwhrfK8dk-tNvonc0HLaSsw/view?usp=sharing

  • The folder with SY in name is for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes
  • The folder with RB in name is for Cityscapes-to-Robot Car

One Note for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes

Note that the evaluation code I provided for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes is still average the IoU by divide 19. Actually, you need to re-calculate the value by divide 16. There are only 16 shared classes for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes. In this way, the result is same as the value reported in paper.

The Key Code

Core code is relatively simple, and could be directly applied to other works.

Related Works

We also would like to thank great works as follows:


  title={Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo},
  author={Zheng, Zhedong and Yang, Yi},
  title={Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation },
  author={Zheng, Zhedong and Yang, Yi},
  journal={International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},