
A one stop shop for all of my ASP.NET Core application projects I am going through to increase my skill with using .NET for backend development. I am currently going through Pro ASP.NET Core 7, 10th Edition. I am loving the book so far. It is in early access through MEAP(Manning Early Access Program). I have the previous edition which, if you are familiar with Adam Freeman, might know that it was through Apress instead. This book focuses on the use of .NET 7.0 vs .NET 6.0.

List of Projects

  • FirstProject Introductory project for my first ASP.NET Core project.

  • LanguageFeatures project for better understanding the necessary C# language features

  • MySolution which has the MyProject project inside to show how to nest projects under a solution

  • PartyInvites project a very quick and straight to the point MVC application

  • Testing/SimpleApp is an introduction to Unit Testing with .NET using the XUnit testing framework