Typing SVG

About me | Projects | Skills | Work Experience | Education | Tech Stack | Achievements | Interests & Activities

About me😄

I graduated from the engineering department and pursued with MBA in the International business management field. I used to work as an import and export manager for international companies. Since the Covid-19 restriction, I kicked off my career in the tech field from a mechanical engineer to a full stack software developer!

I have a passion for writing clean, test-driven code and am excited to start this new chapter of my professional career, whilst utilising the skills and approaches I’ve developed from both my engineering background, such as creative solutions to problem-solving, time management and attention to detail. Therefore, I made a switch and start an intensive software development bootcamp with Makers. Through Makers Academy, I have learned how vital planning and teamwork are to building an amazing product, and the fundamentals of a solid TDD practice. I thrived in the CI/CD process, especially when working with Heroku. Where much of my cohort struggled with Heroku, I excelled and used this as an opportunity to help guide them through their stack trace. This not only gave me so much happiness to be collaborative, but it also allowed me to repay them for their guidance in my past struggles.

My goal is to explore as much as about full-stack and then transfer into a specialised blockchain and Web3 applications developer role.


Name Description Tech/tools
DIVYY Final project at Makers. It is a bill splitting Mobile App to solve problem to share expense between freinds in restaurant.Divvy demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRn2Lerc43c from approx. between 16 - 30min in the video.(📃PDF) React, React Native, Javascript, Node, Expo, Realm, Taggun
Chitter Another Makers Academy weekend challenge, this time to produce a lightweight clone Twitter Ruby, Sinatra, Postgres /w DataMapper, HTML5(ERB), Bootstrap CSS, RSpec
Thermostat JS There is a Weather app Api which by default gets the current temperature in London, this can be changed by using the search box to enter in another location to get the temperature of that location. JavaScript, Jasmine, Open Weather app Api
The Axylotls-AceBook User authentication. User walls, where users could add posts and then edit or delete their posts. Users can comment on posts and then edit or delete their comments JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Handlebars, Node, Express, MongoDB, Cypress, Jest, Github Actions (CI/CD)
Bank tech test RUBY Bank Test A simple bank simulator application which is allows the user to deposits, withdraw funds and view their account statement. Ruby, irb, rspec, Rubocop, Simplecov, Javascript, Jasmine
Bank tech test JS JavaScrip Bank Test A simple bank simulator application which is allows the user to deposits, withdraw funds and view their account statement. JavaScript, Jest, Github Actions (CI/CD)


  • Quick Study - Able to take on new technologies and learn new practices rapidly and efficiently. I actively sought out challenges during the Makers Academy course, including producing our two week final project in React and Realm with no prior experience.
  • Adaptable - New environments, new languages, new teams, new challenges. None of these are a problem, only opportunities. I have worked on shoots around the world with huge diversity of crews and technologies. There is always a way to connect.
  • Creative - As a engineer, trained in fine art, I have learned to be creative with my problem-solving and try to look sideways when something seems intractable.
  • Inquisitive - I love learning and Makers Academy has only made me more committed to exploring development and code craftsmanship.
  • Attention to detail - I have developed an extremely keen eye for the fine details. This comes through in my coding, from seeing how the whole code fits together to finding that one tiny bug.
  • Enthusiastic - I am highly motivated, and unafraid of challenge. I do not shy away from difficult or time-consuming tasks.
  • Team-player - Always comfortable finding my place in a team, whether that calls for knuckling down and getting my hands dirty or offering leadership when the situation arises.
  • Commitment - I completed the 3 months of Makers Academy coding bootcamp as a hybrid student. This required discipline and focus – with a considerable helping of self-belief.

Work Experience👨‍💼

VR System Solution (Oct 2020...) Regional Sales Management

  • Industrial Virtual Reality System services.
  • VR promotion Applications
  • VR Occupational Safety Applications
  • Practical knowledge-oriented VR applications
  • Orientation applications

Albron Engineering & Design (Jan 2020...) Project Engineer

  • Machinery Revision and CNC Machining.
  • Design-Machinery-Fixture - Consultancy.
  • Problem solving solution design and manufacturing.
  • Project based teamwork and attention to details.


Makers Academy (Jun 2021 to Oct 2021) Full Stack Development

Training for 16-weeks full-time with a leading European software development Bootcamp, focusing on test driven development, pair programming and Agile practices.

  • Used creativity and strategic thinking to create applications in several languages, including Ruby & JavaScript.
  • Through an analytical approach, carried out the extensive practice of TDD principles ability to write unit, integration and end to end tests using RSpec, Jasmine, Jest & Cypress.
  • Produced quality code using Test Driven Development (TDD), Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and model, view and controller (MVC)
  • Worked intensively in pairs and in different teams to develop and design applications.
  • Collaborated in different teams for each project to solve problems via critical thinking.
  • Learnt and applied Agile project management principles using GitHub,Miro and Trello.
  • Built document-based and relational databases and designed schemas using MongoDB and SQL.
  • Learnt key development principles Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), SOLID, DRY.

UWIC (University of Wales) MBA (2010 to 2011)

Master for International Business Management

  • Leadership/Management/Negotiation
  • Teamwork
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Ability to solve complex problems
  • Research and analysis

University of Balikesir(BAU), TURKEY (2001 to 2005)

Enginering department

  • Process-driven
  • Attention to details
  • Problem-solving skill
  • Project-based teamwork
  • Critical thinking
  • Leadership

Certificate Information • AutoCAD Course – 2002/3 months - Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers • Natural Gas Technic and Project Certificate (ZETACAD) - Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers • Lifting Technic And Project Certificate - Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers • LPG Station Responsible Manager Certificate - Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers • Plumbing Competence Project Certificate - Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers

Tech Stack🤖

  • JavaScript (React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, jQuery, Jest, React Native, Cypress, Expo)
  • Ruby (Rails, Sinatra, RSpec)
  • SQL (PostgreSQL, TablePlus)
  • MongoDB (Realm)
  • HTML, CSS (Bootstrap, Material-UI, Materialize)
  • Heroku, Netlify, Figma, Miro
  • Git, GitHub (including Pages and Actions), GitLab

Engineering Information: Ansys , SolidWorks , AutoCAD , Pro Engineering , Catia.


Under my management of social media and e-commerce our company received award follow by two years from DBD (The Department of Business Development ) the most developed company award. Being team member which was placed third position to build up electric bike in sustainable energy competition.

Interests & Activities💖🏌️‍♂️₿

Outdoor trekking, Photography, Bowling, Snooker, Extreme sports, Technology Fairs, Golf, Travel, Crypto currency and blockchain technologies, Web3 applications, Financial equity, Forex trading and advanced technical analyses.

✈️ Travelling & languages: been 🇹🇷🇬🇧🇷🇺🇫🇷 🇬🇷🇧🇬🇶🇦🇦🇪🇭🇺🇮🇹 🇸🇪🇧🇪🇳🇱🇭🇰 Multi nationality citizenship British – Turkish - Bulgarian. (Visa free travel and no work restrictions to worldwide)