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A React component for creating, selecting, and removing tags. This library focuses entirely on tagging rather than attempting to be a generic autocomplete library, because we think that single responsibility and custom built solutions are good things.


Check out our demo on gh-pages.


react-tag-box manages Tag objects in the form of { label: String, value: Any }, and supports both preloaded and asynchronous autocomplete options by providing two different components: TagBox and TagBoxAsync. Both components accept the following common properties:

Property Name Type Required Description
selected Array<Tag> true The list of currently selected tags
onSelect function(tag) true Function to be executed when a tag is selected or submitted
removeTag function(tag) true Function called when the remove button is clicked on a tag
renderNewOption function(text) false Function for overriding the default Add ${input} prompt
selectedText string false Text to display when the search input is already a selected tag. 'Already Selected' by default.
renderTag function(tag, remove) false Function to override default tag rendering
placeholder string false Override default placeholder text
backspaceDelete bool false Whether or not the backspace key should delete the last tag. false by default
search function(tag, input) false Function to determine if a given tag should be included in the autocomplete suggestions for a given input.
exactMatch function(tag, input) false Function to determine if the tag matches the input.


Users provide the following props in addition to the common props:

Property Name Type Required Description
tags Array<Tag> true The List of all tags


import { List } from 'immutable'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { TagBox } from 'react-tag-box'
import './styles.scss'

const sampleTags = List(
  ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'blitz', 'quux', 'barf', 'balderdash'].map(t => ({
    label: t,
    value: t

export default class App extends Component {
  state = {
    tags: sampleTags,
    selected: List.of(sampleTags.first())

  render() {
    const { tags, selected } = this.state
    const onSelect = tag => {
      const newTag = {
        label: tag.label,
        value: tag.value || tag.label

        selected: selected.push(newTag)

    const remove = tag => {
        selected: selected.filter(t => t.value !== tag.value)
    // optional
    // default behavior is case-sensitive search within tag label, like so: 
    // (tag, input) => tag.label.includes(input)
    const search = (tag, input) => {
    // optional
    // default behavior is case-sensitive match against tag label, like so: 
    // (tag, input) => tag.label === input
    const exactMatch = (tag, input) => {
      tag.label.toLowerCase() === input.toLowerCase();

    return (
      <div style={{ width: '50%' }}>


Users provide the following props in addition to the common props:

Property Name Type Required Description
fetch function(text) true A function that returns a promise which resolves the tags to populate the autocomplete.
loadingText string false Text to display when results are being fetched. 'Loading...' by default.


import { List } from 'immutable'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { TagBoxAsync } from 'react-tag-box'
import './styles.scss'

// Mock server data. This would normally be in your database.
const sampleTags = List(
  ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'blitz', 'quux', 'barf', 'balderdash'].map(t => ({
    label: t,
    value: t

// Mock http request. This would normally make a request to your server to fetch matching tags.
const fetch = input => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve(sampleTags.filter(t => t.label.includes(input)).toJS())
    }, 1500)

export default class Async extends Component {
  state = {
    selected: sampleTags.take(1)

  render() {
    const { selected } = this.state
    const onSelect = tag => {
      const newTag = {
        label: tag.label,
        value: tag.value || tag.label

        selected: selected.push(newTag)

    const remove = tag => {
        selected: selected.filter(t => t.value !== tag.value)

    const placeholder = selected.isEmpty() ? '' :
      "Use the backspace key to delete the last tag"

    return (