
Glue-Code is what I do. Make it work today. Make it fast tomorrow. Make it beautiful when your room is clean.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A few things I've slapped together over time. I hope you find them useful. For you blueberries, just Download from here.

This list is getting outdated - There are more than this and I haven't written about them all yet.

Script What it does... Requisites

AD Tools

Intentional-Lockout Locks out a specified account. Used to test Event alerting, WMI query testing, and SIEM trigger. None
Get-QuickPCInfo Toss in hostnames and glob together logged in User, with some AD details. None

General Tools

SMS Alert Because a tsunami of emails AFTER you've fixed exchange saying "Exchange is down" is just embarassing. None
Mass E-Mailer Coming soon - still scrubbing, internal tool for emailing PoSH objects in bulk, grouped by an item (Usually a person, group by Supervisors etc). NA
Open Ports Netstat is boring. Lucky for you, I'm not. I just added a bit of tweak for some decent info for listening ports. None
Firefox Details I needed it once, I'm sharing it now. Hunts versions of 32 or 64-bit for SCCM detection or whatever. None
Enable Copy/Paste Enable 'isolation.tools.copy.disable' eq FALSE on VMS by Wildcard. PowerCLI

Ninja Bucket (In Progress)

View Agent Logs Parsing out connection times regardless of protocol (PCoIP, RDP, etc). It's a snitch report. Horizon View Agent 4.X+
Nuketown Pass an app string, easily signed, and nuke all instances on a remote PC (I.e. Java, Oracle, TightVNC). Easy pave for SCCM. A pulse
Email Rescue Ops Exchange likes to topple over, and people get all uppity. This is a somewhat frequence cause, and an auto-doc to fix it. On Prem Exchange