
Step 1

Create 'Core' project, which will contains 2 folders:

  • HubEvents - contains interfaces, which describe server events.
  • HubModels - contains interfaces, which describe server methods.

For current example folder 'HubEvents' contains next interface:

public interface IChatHubEvents
    Task OnNewChatMessage(string userName, string message);

And folder 'HubModels' contains next interfaces:

public interface IChatHubModel
    Task SendMessage(string userName, string message);

public interface ISecondHubModel
    Task<IEnumerable<int>> GetRandomInts(int count, int min, int max);

Step 2

Create server and hub.
Hub must implement next interfaces: IChatHubEvents, ISecondHubModel
In example Hub was created as a partial class:

public partial class MainHub : Hub<IChatHubEvents>

public partial class MainHub : IChatHubModel
    public Task SendMessage(string userName, string message)
        return Clients.All.OnNewChatMessage(userName, message);

public partial class MainHub : ISecondHubModel
    static Random rn = new Random();

    public Task<IEnumerable<int>> GetRandomInts(int count, int min, int max)
        return Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select(x => rn.Next(min, max)));

Next step: add signalr to services

> Startup.cs

public class Startup
    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
    // For more information on how to configure your application, visit
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        if (env.IsDevelopment())


        app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

Step 3

Create ProxyHubConnection:

ProxyHubConnection hubConnection = new ProxyHubConnection(x => x.WithUrl("https://localhost:5001/mainhub").WithAutomaticReconnect());

ProxyHubConnection must not implement interfaces: IChatHubModel, ISecondHubModel, but must implement events (IChatHubEvents) in other classes.

ProxyHubConnect you can inherit and override methods: InvokeCoreAsync, InvokeCoreAsync

Next step: implement server events

class ChatEvents : IChatHubEvents
    public Task OnNewChatMessage(string userName, string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"New message: {userName} => {message}");

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Next step: register events in ProxyHubConnection

hubConnection.RegisterCallbacks(new ChatEvents());

Next step: create two HubProxy

var chatProxy = hubConnection.GetHubProxy<IChatHubModel>();
var secondProxy = hubConnection.GetHubProxy<ISecondHubModel>();

Now we ready to connect to server (proxy may create after/before connection)

await hubConnection.Connection.StartAsync();

Well, we connected to server. Now we can invoke server method over proxy:

var randInts = await secondProxy.GetRandomInts(10, 0, 10);

foreach (var item in randInts)
    Console.WriteLine($"Random int: {item}");

It works!

Let's try to send a message to chat:

Console.Write("Input name: ");
var name = Console.ReadLine();

while (true)
    var msg = Console.ReadLine();

    await chatProxy.SendMessage(name, msg);