Welcome to dashboard2 (Version 2)

To see my project live on the web:

----- Technologies used ------ Using rails, this project was designed based on the MVCr framework. As part of the experiment, I used up to 3 nested routes to practice and affirm my understanding of RESTful and CRUD.

In addition, simple_form gem was used for forms to towards the end of the project for neater and better display of codes.

----- Approach taken ------ As you might have noticed, this is dashboard V2. I had intended to take a TDD approach in V1, but halfway I realized that due to the time frame, I would not be able to practice rails while learning RSpec for rails at the same time.

That being said, I had a lot of fun building this dashboard too. Starting from simple wireframes of the application, I took a Model -> View -> Controller -> Routes approach to doing up my site.

Without using scaffold (for additional practice reasons), I first created the model, then edited the views along with the controller and routes.

Upon completing all the basic RESTful actions, I went back to refactor where possible, but again, due to time constraints, there are still many things available for improvement.

----- TO DO ------ The below features are ones i wanted to include but missing due to the lack of time to experiment (not features that i already am familiar with) -- Mailing -- Rich text editors for forms

Additional upgrades -- STYLING (>.<)