
Django-based Payment Service v1.0

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Django-based Payment Service v1.0

intallation steps:

pip 3 install pipenv
pipenv install django

Launching the subshell in virtual environment

pipenv shell

Start Django-admin

With a suffix ".", we are telling django to use the current projectname as current main directory

django-admin startproject paymentservice .


Please refer to the following link: >> https://django-project-skeleton.readthedocs.io/en/latest/structure.html

Configuring Django's settings

without having runserver error for django, we use the following command on teh manage.py which is the app WRAPPER with a custom port number e.g. 9000

python manage.py runserver 9000


installing Python interpreter

  1. (Ctrl+Shift+P) on VSCode
  2. get the actual environment URL
pipenv --venv

copy the path e.g. "C:\Users\rmastour.virtualenvs\django_Payment_Service-hKmBDVso"

  1. install interpreter path (Ctrl+Shift+P) and type
>python: select Interpeter

by pasting the latter path "C:\Users\rmastour.virtualenvs\django_Payment_Service-hKmBDVso\bin\python"

  1. use the + sign on top right corner of terminal to open as many terminals as you wish
  2. (CTRL+L) to clear the window

Creating a new playground app

  1. run this command
python manage.py startapp playground
  1. Go back to the project setting.py and add the app name
'playground', #here to add the newest app to settings.py

Manipulating the app views

# Create your views here.
# A view function is a function that takes a request and return a response
# request -> response
# More accurately, it is a request handler 
# in some other frameworks, it is called an "Action"
# from architecture point of view, a view is often assosiated with somethign that user sees
# That part in Django is called "Template"

def say_hello(request):
    #What we can do is the following 
    1. Pull data from a DB
    2. Transfrom data 
    3. send an email 
    4. and so on..
    reponse = HttpResponse('Hello there!') #this one needs to be mapped to a URL
    #So when we get a request at that URL, this function will be called 
    return reponse 

Mapping a URL to the newly created view

  1. in the project folder, let's create a file called "urls.py"
from django.urls import path
#from current folder, import views
from . import views

Now we declare a special variable called urlpatterns
# Here we have a so-called URLConf 
urlpatterns = [
    path('hello/', views.say_hello)

  1. Now we go to the main urls.py of the project
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

# now let's add these libraries
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include

from playground import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('playground/', include('playground.urls')), #newly added

adding template

  1. in app folder, let's create another folder called "templates"
  2. in "templates" we add a new html file called "hello.html"
<h1>{{name}}'s Portfolio Section:</h1>
  1. back to view function, instead of returning HttpResponse('string blabla'), we will use the render function to render a template and return a html markup to the client
  2. in views.py
def say_hello(request):
    #What we can do is the following 
    1. Pull data from a DB
    2. Transfrom data 
    3. send an email 
    4. and so on..
    #reponse = HttpResponse('Hello there! I work for Fulcrum Digital Inc.') #this one needs to be mapped to a URL
    #So when we get a request at that URL, this function will be called 
    #render html
    reponse = render(request, 'hello.html', {'name': 'Reda'}) # we add 3rd params as dictionary
    return reponse 

Debugging Django

  1. Click "Run and Debug Panel" on VSCode
  2. Click on "Create a launch.json file"
  3. in the popped-up list, choose "Django"
  4. The code looks lke:
    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Django",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}\\manage.py",
            "args": [
            "django": true

Using Django Debug toolbar

  1. install via pipenv
pipenv install django-debug-toolbar
  1. add 'debug_toolbar', in the installed INSTALLED_APPS
  2. CTRL+P to bring the seacrh box and search for settings.py
    'django.contrib.admin', #give admin interface to manage the data
    'django.contrib.auth', #this used to authenticate the users in the app
    #'django.contrib.sessions', #this manages the user's data
    'django.contrib.messages', # used to display notification to the user 
    'django.contrib.staticfiles', # this to manage the static files like CSS and images 
    # we also need to add all the newly created apps in here ~ Reda
    'playground', #here hour first beta app
    'debug_toolbar', #for debugging
  1. Adding a new path to the URLConf module of the project folder
urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('playground/', include('playground.urls')), #newly added
    path('__debug__/', include('debug_toolbar.urls')), #newly added
  1. Enabling a middleware to hook into django's request response processing. In our settings module we have a setting called MIDDLEWARE
    'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', #Newly added for debugging
  1. Configuring Internal IPs:
#Configuring Internal IPs
    # .. 
    # ..