
Reconstruct files from QR-code video data

Primary LanguagePython

QR Data Reconstructor


This program was designed for Hak5's community latest QR Optical Exfiltration payloads, to ease the process of reconstructing the data. Demo video here: https://youtu.be/60b0UDO97mY


To install all dependencies, I have made a simple bash script to do it. It works with pip. To download and install, first run su and then:

git clone https://github.com/Prodicode/qr-data-reconstruct.git
cd qr-data-reconstruct
chmod a+x setup.sh

Then, you can just run it using python. Use the -h argument for help: python decoder.py -h. Usage example:

python decoder.py input_video.mp4 output_data.txt