Recommended playlist size range is 30-50. If you do more than 50 of them at once there is a very
high chance that BMBF will crash, adding fewer songs also takes less time then adding a lot of them.
All categories are descending. That means most recently dates to oldest dates, hardest to easiest,
and most played to least played.

A quick guide on how to use this ranked playlist downloader:
1. Start by extracting the zip file to your desktop or any other place you want
2. Then open the file (click on the "BeatsaberRankedPlaylistCreator.exe")
3. Once it's open you should see 2 main buttons; "Create All Current" and "Create Specific".

4(1). Clicking the "Create All Current" option will give you all of the ranked songs at this time 
with all categories and a playlist size of 50, 35, 25, 20 and max. 
4(2). If you click on "Create Specific" it will create what category, playlist size, and beatmap 
count that have what you specified.

If you do not want the jpg cover images to be outputted uncheck it and press save on the main menu

You can find the playlists in a folder called Playlists.

The log file is called Log.json and it shows you every new beatmap that had not existed on the
previous run, and lower down it shows all existing beatmaps

This was made by Rubiksmaster02, feel free to use however you like.
This will be updated every once in awhile (i am looking into making a bot that updates it)
as of 8/8/2020 there are 562 ranked and verified beatmaps

My stuff: Rubiksmaster02#9076 (or Redageddon#9076)

Collaborators: Simme63