
NYC Parks Trees Count! 2015 tree census

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


NYC Parks Trees Count! 2015 tree census

Local Development

A combination of Vagrant 1.5+ and Ansible 1.8+ is used to setup the development environment for this project. It of the following virtual machines:

  • app
  • tiler
  • services

The app virtual machine contains an instance of the Django application, tiler contains a tiling server, and services contains shared resources of app and tiler:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Logstash
  • Kibana
  • Graphite
  • Statsite

Use the following command to bring up a local development environment:

$ vagrant up

After provisioning is complete, you can login to the application server to execute Django management commands:

$ vagrant ssh app
vagrant@app:~$ envdir /etc/nyc-trees.d/env /opt/app/manage.py test

Note: If you get an error that resembles the following, try logging into the app virtual machine again for the group permissions changes to take effect:

envdir: fatal: unable to switch to directory /etc/nyc-trees.d/env: access denied


The Vagrant configuration maps the following host ports to services running in the VMs. You can change the host port numbers by setting the environment variables listed in the Env Variable Override column.

Service Port URL
Django Web Application 8000 http://localhost:8000
Graphite Dashboard 8080 http://localhost:8080
Kibana Dashboard 15601 http://localhost:15601
Tasseo 15000 http://localhost:15000
PostgreSQL 15432
pgweb 15433 http://localhost:15433
Redis 16379 redis-cli -h localhost 16379
livereload 35729 (for gulp watch)
LiveServer Tests 9001 (for Sauce Labs)
Testem 7357

JavaScript and CSS

The main tool used is gulp, which is exposed through npm run to avoid version conflicts.

  • To create JS bundles, compile sass, and concatenate third-party css, minify CSS and JS, and version files using gulp-rev-all, use gulp or npm run build.
  • To do the above but skip minification and versioning, use gulp build --debug or npm run build-debug.
  • To watch files and automatically rebuild the JS or sass files when they change, use gulp watch --debug or npm run watch. This will also start a livereload server.

gulp build and gulp watch without the --debug flag are intentionally not exposed through npm run.


In order to speed up things up, you may want to consider leveraging the vagrant-cachier plugin. If installed, it is automatically used by Vagrant.


See src/nyc_trees/apps/survey/fixtures/README.md for documentation on how the source data fixtures were created.


In order to simulate the testing environment used in CI, bring up the testing environment with:

$ VAGRANT_ENV="TEST" vagrant up

Once that is complete, execute the top-level test suite responsible for linting and unit testing the client and server-side components:

$ ./scripts/test.sh

If you want to run the integration tests, use the following command:

$ ./scripts/manage.sh selenium

In addition, other scripts exist if you want to test just one of the client or server-side components.


For more details around the Amazon Web Services deployment process, please see the deployment README.