Working in the technical, civic & social organization industry has motivated me to find ways to create solutions for structured success.
Salt Lake City, UT
Pinned Repositories
React chatroom app created using styled components on the frontend and utilizing Google’s Firebase on the backend. Users are able to sign in using Google authentication to read messages, post messages, and create channels for different topics in real time.
React App that uses role authentication to manage roles such as customers and employees. Employees have access to dashboards, view & create customers/technicians/work orders. Customers have access to their scheduled appointments as well as the chat with the technician. (See README for login credentials)
A program to manage products, orders, employees, and customers. See README for login credentials.
The Eat-Da-Burger! app was created using an MVC design pattern with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, Bulma CSS and an ORM.
The Workout Tracker app is able to view, create and track daily workouts. Multiple exercises can be logged in a given day. Then the exercises can be tracked by name, type, weight, sets, reps, duration of exercise and distance traveled if it is a cardio exercise. The app uses a Mongo database with a Mongoose scheme and handles routes with Express.
JavaScript quiz app with timer, score and local storage for high score.
The app leverages the Goodreads API and the OMDB API to compare ratings of books and movies to determine if the book is truly always better than the movie. (Note: Goodreads is retiring the API after December 2020)
Code Refactor of Horiseon Website
ReddPhoenix's Repositories
The Eat-Da-Burger! app was created using an MVC design pattern with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, Bulma CSS and an ORM.
Portfolio developed to reflect experience, projects, and contact information. Developed using React, Material-UI, Bulma & Contact Me code using EmailJS.
React chatroom app created using styled components on the frontend and utilizing Google’s Firebase on the backend. Users are able to sign in using Google authentication to read messages, post messages, and create channels for different topics in real time.
React App that uses role authentication to manage roles such as customers and employees. Employees have access to dashboards, view & create customers/technicians/work orders. Customers have access to their scheduled appointments as well as the chat with the technician. (See README for login credentials)
Cartoon character eyes track the movement from mouse using JavaScript and CSS.
The Workout Tracker app is able to view, create and track daily workouts. Multiple exercises can be logged in a given day. Then the exercises can be tracked by name, type, weight, sets, reps, duration of exercise and distance traveled if it is a cardio exercise. The app uses a Mongo database with a Mongoose scheme and handles routes with Express.
This app was created using React. The Employee Directory allows a user to sort an employee database in ascending/descending order by clicking on any of the column headings. The search function filters data according to user input across all columns. Employee data was created using the Mockaroo API.
A program to manage products, orders, employees, and customers. See README for login credentials.
Personal portfolio website.
Personal portfolio.
CLI application that allows a user to maintain a company roster. The application is able to add departments/roles/employees, view departments/roles/employees, and update employee roles. App uses MySQL database to create, store and update company roster.
Weather dashboard providing current weather conditions and a five day forecast. Search history is saved to local storage allowing data to be recalled even after browser is closed.
App that can be used to write, save, and delete notes using an express backend.
Command Line Application used to generate a software engineering team with user input. The application will prompt the user for information about the team manager and then information about the team members. The user can input any number of team members, and they may be a mix of engineers and interns. Unit tests are used to verify individual team positions. When the user has completed building the team, the application will create an HTML file that displays a nicely formatted team roster based on the information provided by the user.
README Generator
The app leverages the Goodreads API and the OMDB API to compare ratings of books and movies to determine if the book is truly always better than the movie. (Note: Goodreads is retiring the API after December 2020)
Website that provides a work day schedule using a standard 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM range. A weather API has been installed to allow for proper planning based on current conditions. User can input information based on the hour and save it to local storage.
JavaScript quiz app with timer, score and local storage for high score.
Website that creates a random password based on user-specified criteria. Data supplied by user is validated to match password requirements.
Code Refactor of Horiseon Website