Namaste JavaScript notes provide a comprehensive guide for mastering JavaScript. Covering key concepts, syntax, and practical applications, it's an invaluable resource for developers seeking JavaScript proficiency.
- Episode 1: Execution Context
- Episode 2: How JS is executed & Call Stack
- Episode 3: Hoisting in JavaScript (variables & functions)
- Episode 4: How function works?
- Episode 5: Shortest JS Program, window & this keyword
- Episode 6: undefined vs not defined in JS
- Episode 7: The Scope Chain, Scope & Lexical Environment
- Episode 8: let & const in JS, Temporal Dead Zone
- Episode 9: Block Scope & Shadowing in JS
- Episode 10: Closure in JS
- Episode 11: setTimeout + Closures Interview Question
- Episode 12: Famous Interview Questions ft. Closures
- Episode 13: First Class Functions ft. Anonymous Functions
- Episode 14: Callback Functions in JS ft. Event Listeners
- Episode 15: Asynchronous JavaScript & EVENT LOOP from Scratch
- Episode 16: JS Engine Exposed, Google's V8 Architecture
- Episode 17: Trust issues with setTimeout()
- Episode 18: Higher-Order Functions ft. Functional Programming
- Episode 19: map, filter & reduce