This is the first iteration of a web application for the Redeeming Soles "No Kids Left on the Sidelines" project. The mission is to provide for children who are in need of sports shoes but do not have the ability to obtain them. This application is designed to track incoming sport shoes/cleats requests from coaches and youth sports leagues. This application aids in keeping an accurate inventory of sports shoes and prioritizes fulfillment of in-house requests first.
To visit the site, please click here. Sign in using the intuitive interface to either request shoes for your youth sports team or league. To do so you will need a valid username and password. In Admin view, higher privileges are enabled allowing Redeeming Soles' volunteers to manage inbound shoe donations.
A user's password must include at least one of each of the following requirements.
- 6 characters
- 1 lowercase letter
- 1 uppercase letter
- 1 number
- 1 special character
A requesting coach or league official will sign up or login to the website. Once logged in, the user will be able to make the needed shoe requests for their athletes. If the user is a Redeeming Soles administrator, the site will be directed to the admin screen which will allow the user to add donated shoes into the "No Kids Left on the Sidelines" shoe inventory.
This front end application utilized the following dependencies for it's creation.
Dependencies | ||
babel-core | babel-eslint | babel-loader |
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source | babel-preset-env | babel-preset-react |
babel-preset-stage-0 | clean-webpack-plugin | css-loader |
dotenv | enzyme | enzyme-adapter-react-16 |
eslint | eslint-config-airbnb-base | eslint-plugin-import |
eslint-plugin-jest | eslint-plugin-react | html-webpack-exclude-empty-assets-plugin |
html-webpack-plugin | jest | mini-css-extract-plugin |
node-sass | prop-types | react |
react-dom | react-redux | react-router-dom |
react-test-renderer | redux | redux-mock-store |
sass-loader | style-loader | superagent |
uuid | validator | webpack |
webpack-cli | webpack-dev-server | webpack-merge |
express |
This application utilized the Jest testing suite. This allows for both unit testing individual features and integration testing for newly added features. The test driven development methodology of red green testing was used to ensure once features worked there would be no regression of the current code base.
A special THANK YOU to Melanie Downing, Seth Donahue, Vinicio Sanchez for their expertise and guidance through this project. Thank you to the Code Fellows staff, TA's and fellow 401d23 students!