
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

PW Profiler

An SCP-SL Server Profiler build on the Northwood Plugin-API. An integration is available to report this to netdata, which can be found here.



- Records a file log of these stats:

  • Checks TPS / delta time from an average of the past 120 frames (configurable)
    • Most commands only take the TPS from the very last frame, which can miss short lag spikes.
  • Checks the Memory allocation size
    • This is a rough memory usage estimate, that is accurate to around 50 - 100 mb.
  • Checks the rough CPU usage
    • Currently this is pretty inaccurate but I'm working on it.
  • Checks the player count
    • Per server player count
  • Checks how many times server falls below a certain tps
    • Configurable option for what qualifies as "low tps" (default is 30 ticks per second)
    • Logs how many times the server fell below that tps in the past 5 seconds.
  • Works inside of Docker / Pterodactyl
    • Should work fine on windows and linux
  • Stats log every 5 seconds.
    • Tps is still accurately measured over 120 frames, however it is only logged every 5 seconds


  • Adding a feature to pull cpu and memory stats from docker api


When will the netdata integration come out?

It is out now! It can be found Here.

I have a suggestion. How can I suggest it?

Reach out to me over discord or leave an issue and I will tag it with the suggestion tag.

How do I leave a bug report?

Create an issue and I will look at it.


- Last Profile:


  • lastprofile or
  • profile

Returns the last profile taken including all stats that are logged normally. This command requires the netdata integration to be enabled.

- Tickspeed:


  • tickspeed or
  • deltatime or
  • tps or
  • fps

Returns the last average fps and deltatime from the last 120 frames.


Add the profiler plugin to your plugin directory

  | - .config/SCP Secret Laboratory/PluginAPI/plugins/Global/PWProfiler.dll
  | - .config/SCP Secret Laboratory/PluginAPI/plugins/Global/dependencies/NewtonsoftJson.dll

  | - .config/SCP Secret Laboratory/PluginAPI/plugins/Global/PWProfiler/config.yml

Default Logging Locations (Configurable): 
  | - .config/SCP Secret Laboratory/PluginAPI/plugins/Global/PWProfiler/Stats/Stats-{month}-{day}-{year}.txt
  | - .config/SCP Secret Laboratory/PluginAPI/plugins/Global/PWProfiler/LowTPS/LowTPS-{month}-{day}-{year}.txt


    # Whether the plugin is enabled or not.
enabled: true

    # Whether debug mod is disabled or not.
debug: true

    # Whether the plugin will check memory stats.
check_memory: true

    # Whether the plugin will check cpu stats.
check_cpu: true

    # How often the stats will refresh.
stats_refresh_time: 5

    # How low the tps has to drop before the low-tps logger will begin triggering.
low_tps: 30

    # Whether or not the NetData Integration is enabled.
net_data_integration_enabled: true

    # Whether or not the plugin will log the stats and LowTps to the file.
file_logging_enabled: true

    # The location of the log files if File Logging is enabled.
file_logging_location: /home/container/.config/SCP Secret Laboratory/PluginAPI/plugins/global/PWProfiler/

    # How many frames will be sampled for the average tps.
average_frame_sample_amount: 120

    # The name of the server to show up in netdata.
server_name: Test Net

Example Stats File:

# Local Time          |  Epoch Time  |  Average TPS  |  Average Delta Time  |  Memory Usage  |  Cpu Usage  |  Players
31/01/2023 23:22:03   |  1675207323  |  60.50        |  0.0165290           |  1087          |  000.0000   |  0      
31/01/2023 23:22:08   |  1675207328  |  60.50        |  0.0165295           |  1087          |  017.8214   |  0      
31/01/2023 23:22:13   |  1675207333  |  60.50        |  0.0165279           |  1087          |  017.2263   |  0      

Example LowFps File:

# Local Time          |  Epoch Time  |  Instance #  |  TPS       |  Delta Time  |  Players
31/01/2023 23:33:59   |  1675208039  |  0           | 7.54       |  0.1326389   |  1      
31/01/2023 23:34:06   |  1675208046  |  1           | 5.72       |  0.1747492   |  1      
31/01/2023 23:34:12   |  1675208052  |  1           | 4.61       |  0.2169288   |  1      
# Refresh, server caught back up. 
31/01/2023 23:34:18   |  1675208058  |  0           | 3.86       |  0.2591510   |  1      
# Refresh, server caught back up. 


Contributions are always welcome!

Reach out to Redforce04#4091 on discord for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.
