The enclosed Jupyter notebook demonstrates how to do semantic searches on unstructured data using vector similarity and Redis. It covers:
- Generating vector embeddings for text data using SentenceTransformers
- Storing JSON documents containing text and vector embeddings in Redis
- Creating a RediSearch index on the JSON data
- Performing semantic searches using vector similarity queries
- Query types demonstrated:
- KNN similarity search
- Hybrid search using filters
- Range queries
The notebook includes code and examples using a synthetic dataset of bicycle descriptions.
The notebook requires the following packages:
- redis (redis-py):
- sentence_transformers:
- pandas:
- numpy:
You will need access to a running Redis Stack instance. The notebook includes setup code to run Redis Stack in a Colab notebook.
Alternatively, you can run Redis Stack locally using Docker.
To run the notebook end-to-end, simply execute the cells in order.
The key steps are:
- Load and inspect the sample JSON data
- Generate vector embeddings for the text descriptions
- Save the JSON data with embeddings into Redis
- Create a RediSearch index on the data
- Execute vector similarity search queries
The notebook includes ample comments explaining each section.
The core concepts covered include:
- Using pre-trained NLP models like SentenceTransformers to generate semantic vector representations of text
- Storing and indexing vectors along with structured data in Redis
- Utilizing vector similarity KNN search and other query types in RediSearch
- Ranking and retrieving results by semantic similarity
The techniques presented allow for building powerful semantic search experiences over unstructured data with Redis.