RDI Quickstart PostgreSQL

Docker image referenced in the new RDI Quickstart Guide.

Building the Image

  • Clone the repo locally and cd into directory rdi-quickstart-postgres
  • docker build -t postgres_rdi_ingest:v0.1 .

Running a Container

If Debezium Server is running in a container on the same host, both containers must use a common network.

  • docker run -d --rm --name postgres --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres_password> -p 5432:5432 postgres_rdi_ingest:v0.1

where <postgres_password> is a secure password of your choice.

Running with Docker Compose

An alternative to building and running the container explicitly is to use Docker Compose:

  • Clone the repo locally and cd into directory rdi-quickstart-postgres
  • Copy file env to .env
  • add a complex password for user postgres
  • docker compose up -d

Note that PostgreSQL databases are a prime target for hackers. When deploying the container on a Cloud VM, you must ensure that only your IP is allowed in the firewall rule that opens port 5432.

Connecting to the Chinook Database

Use a standard database client, such as DBeaver:


  • Host = localhost
  • Database = chinook
  • Username/Password = postgres/<postgres_password>

where <postgres_password> is the value of POSTGRES_PASSWORD in file .env (Docker Compose) or the password you specified when building the image.

You should see 11 tables in the public schema of database chinook:


Generating Load on the Database

A script for simulating load on the PostgreSQL database is included. This adds new records to table track.

To run the script, ensure that file env has been copied to .env, then execute these commands:

cd scripts
python -m venv load
source ./load/bin/activate
pip install -r generate-load-requirements.txt
python generate_load.py &

Debezium Server Configuration

The following settings specific to PostgreSQL must be included in application.properties for Debezium Server:

#If running Debezium Server as a container on the same host as PostgreSQL, hostname is 'postgres'

Sample command line for running Debezium Server as a container:

docker run -it --rm --name debezium --network postgres -v $PWD/conf:/debezium/conf debezium/server:2.5.0.Final