Mftestutil v1.0.0 - Testing utils

func RemoveFileRequiredToNotExist(t *testing.T, afile string)

Remove a file that should not exist prior to a test.

func RemoveDirectoryRequiredToNotExist(t *testing.T, adirectory string)

Remove a directory that should not exist before a test.

func FileRequiredToNotExist(t *testing.T, afile string)

Test that a file that should not exist does not.

func DirectoryRequiredToNotExist(t *testing.T, adirectory string)

Test that a directory that should not exist does not.

func RequiredDirectoryExists(t *testing.T, adirectory string)

Test that a directory that should exist does.

func RequiredFileExists(t *testing.T, afile string)

Test that a file that should exist does.