
GitHub Action that sync's two (or more) repos.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Repo File Sync Action


Keep files like Action workflows or entire directories in sync between multiple repositories.

👋 Introduction

With repo-file-sync-action you can sync files, like workflow .yml files, configuration files or whole directories between repositories or branches. It works by running a GitHub Action in your main repository everytime you push something to that repo. The action will use a sync.yml config file to figure out which files it should sync where. If it finds a file which is out of sync it will open a pull request in the target repository with the changes.

🚀 Features

  • Keep GitHub Actions workflow files in sync across all your repositories
  • Sync any file or a whole directory to as many repositories as you want
  • Easy configuration for any use case
  • Create a pull request in the target repo so you have the last say on what gets merged
  • Automatically label pull requests to integrate with other actions like automerge-action
  • Assign users to the pull request

📚 Usage

Create a .yml file in your .github/workflows folder (you can find more info about the structure in the GitHub Docs):


name: Sync Files
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run GitHub File Sync
        uses: Redocly/repo-file-sync-action@main
          GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}

In order for the Action to access your repositories you have to specify a Personal Access token as the value for GH_PAT.

Note: GITHUB_TOKEN will not work

It is recommneded to set the token as a Repository Secret.

The last step is to create a .yml file in the .github folder of your repository and specify what file(s) to sync to which repositories:


  - .github/workflows/test.yml
  - .github/workflows/lint.yml

  - source: workflows/stale.yml
    dest: .github/workflows/stale.yml

More info on how to specify what files to sync where below.

⚙️ Action Inputs

Here are all the inputs repo-file-sync-action takes:

Key Value Required Default
GH_PAT Your Personal Access token Yes N/A
CONFIG_PATH Path to the sync configuration file No .github/sync.yml
PR_LABELS Labels which will be added to the pull request. Set to false to turn off No sync
ASSIGNEES People to assign to the pull request No N/A
COMMIT_PREFIX Prefix for commit message and pull request title No 🔄
COMMIT_BODY Commit message body. Will be appended to commit message, separated by two line returns. No ''
COMMIT_EACH_FILE Commit each file seperately No true
GIT_EMAIL The e-mail address used to commit the synced files No the email of the PAT used
GIT_USERNAME The username used to commit the synced files No the username of the PAT used
OVERWRITE_EXISTING_PR Overwrite any existing Sync PR with the new changes No true
BRANCH_PREFIX Specify a different prefix for the new branch in the target repo No repo-sync/SOURCE_REPO_NAME
TMP_DIR The working directory where all git operations will be done No tmp-${ Date.now().toString() }
DRY_RUN Run everything except that nothing will be pushed No false
SKIP_CLEANUP Skips removing the temporary directory. Useful for debugging No false
SKIP_PR Skips creating a Pull Request and pushes directly to the default branch No false

🛠️ Sync Configuration

In order to tell repo-file-sync-action what files to sync where, you have to create a sync.yml file in the .github directory of your main repository (see action-inputs on how to change the location).

The top-level key should be used to specify the target repository in the format username/repository-name@branch, after that you can list all the files you want to sync to that individual repository:

  - path/to/file.txt
  - path/to/file2.txt

There are multiple ways to specify which files to sync to each individual repository.

List individual file(s)

The easiest way to sync files is the list them on a new line for each repository:

  - .github/workflows/build.yml
  - .gitignore

Different destination path/filename(s)

Using the dest option you can specify a destination path in the target repo and/or change the filename for each source file:

  - source: workflows/build.yml
    dest: .github/workflows/build.yml
  - source: LICENSE.md
    dest: LICENSE

Sync entire directories

You can also specify entire directories to sync:

  - source: workflows/
    dest: .github/workflows/

Exclude certain files when syncing directories

Using the exclude key you can specify files you want to exclude when syncing entire directories (#26).

  - source: workflows/
    dest: .github/workflows/
    exclude: |

Note: the exclude file path is relative to the source path

Don't replace existing file(s)

By default if a file already exists in the target repository, it will be replaced. You can change this behaviour by setting the replace option to false:

  - source: .github/workflows/lint.yml
    replace: false

Sync the same files to multiple repositories

Instead of repeating yourself listing the same files for multiple repositories, you can create a group:

  repos: |
    - source: workflows/build.yml
      dest: .github/workflows/build.yml
    - source: LICENSE.md
      dest: LICENSE

You can create multiple groups like this:

  # first group
  - files:
      - source: workflows/build.yml
        dest: .github/workflows/build.yml
      - source: LICENSE.md
        dest: LICENSE
    repos: |

  # second group
  - files: 
      - source: configs/dependabot.yml
        dest: .github/dependabot.yml
    repos: |

Syncing branches

You can also sync different branches from the same or different repositories (#51). For example, a repository named foo/bar with branch main, and sync.yml contents:

  repos: |
    - source: .github/workflows/
      dest: .github/workflows/

Here all files in .github/workflows/ will be synced from the main branch to the branches de/es/fr.

📖 Examples

Here are a few examples to help you get started!

Basic Example


  - .gitignore

Sync all workflow files

This example will keep all your .github/workflows files in sync across multiple repositories:


  repos: |
    - source: .github/workflows/
      dest: .github/workflows/

Custom labels

By default repo-file-sync-action will add the sync label to every PR it creates. You can turn this off by setting PR_LABELS to false, or specify your own labels:


- name: Run GitHub File Sync
  uses: Redocly/repo-file-sync-action@main
    GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
    PR_LABELS: |

Assign a user to the PR

You can tell repo-file-sync-action to assign users to the PR with ASSIGNEES:


- name: Run GitHub File Sync
  uses: Redocly/repo-file-sync-action@main
    GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
    ASSIGNEES: Redocly

Custom GitHub Enterprise Host

If your target repository is hosted on a GitHub Enterprise Server you can specify a custom host name like this:


  - path/to/file.txt

# or in a group

  - files:
      - source: path/to/file.txt
        dest: path/to/file.txt
    repos: |

Note: The key has to start with http to indicate that you want to use a custom host.

Different branch prefix

By default all new branches created in the target repo will be in the this format: repo-sync/SOURCE_REPO_NAME/SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME, with the SOURCE_REPO_NAME being replaced with the name of the source repo and SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME with the name of the source branch.

If your repo name contains invalid characters, like a dot (#32), you can specify a different prefix for the branch (the text before /SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME):


uses: Redocly/repo-file-sync-action@main
    GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
    BRANCH_PREFIX: custom-branch

The new branch will then be custom-branch/SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME.

You can use SOURCE_REPO_NAME in your custom branch prefix as well and it will be replaced with the actual repo name

Custom commit body

You can specify a custom commit body. This will be appended to the commit message, separated by two new lines. For example:


- name: Run GitHub File Sync
  uses: Redocly/repo-file-sync-action@main
    GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
    COMMIT_BODY: "Change-type: patch"

The above example would result in a commit message that looks something like this:

🔄 Synced local '<filename>' with remote '<filename>'

Change-type: patch

💻 Development

The actual source code of this library is in the src folder.

  • run yarn lint or npm run lint to run eslint.
  • run yarn build or npm run build to produce a production version of repo-file-sync-action in the dist folder.

To run the action locally, use npm start command with required parameters:

GH_PAT=[YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN] GITHUB_REPOSITORY=[REPO_YOU_WANT_TO_SYNC] npm start                                                                                  

If you receive the following error during the development:

::warning::Source [NAME_OF_YOUR_FILE/FOLDER] not found

that means that you should put the file/folder in the root directory of this action project in the same structure that you defined it in the sync config (for ex.: ::warning::Source /docs not found -> put /docs in the root dir of this repo).


This project was originally developed by @betahuhn. If you want to use the original version of this project, feel free to check out BetaHuhn/repo-file-sync-action.