
Make sure you run this on node@14.0 or lower


Please implement web application which is able to show murmur(=tweet) by user. (this application is similar to Twitter)


  • The user can follow other users.
  • By following, a list of murmurs posted by other users is displayed in the timeline.
  • The user can post murmur as many times as he wants.
  • Only the user who posted can delete his murmur.
  • The user can add LIKE to another person's murmur.
  • [optional] User authentication.


There are two sample tables in this application. Please consider and add columns to below tables. Further more I think you need more tables, so it's possible to add new tables depending on below specification.


  • murmurs
  • users


Please implement REST API. There are three sample endpoints below. I think you need more endpoints, so you add more endpoints as needed. It is more highly appreciated if you can have it implemented using the Nest.js framework, so please use it actively. If you want to use ORM (e.g. Sequelize, TypeORM), you can do that.


  • [GET] /api/murmurs/
  • [POST] /api/me/murmurs/
  • [DELETE] /api/me/murmurs/:id/


Please implement below function. If you want to add new function after complete to implement below function, it's possible to add and we evaluate your original function.

  • Timeline
    • List of Murmur information (e.g. text, LIKE count)
    • LIKE button each murmur.
    • Show 10 murmur per page. (need to implement pagination)
  • Murmur Detail
    • Murmur Information (e.g. text, LIKE count)
  • Own User Detail
    • User information (e.g. name, followCount, followedCount)
    • List of own murmurs
    • Button for delete a murmur
  • Other User Detail
    • User information (e.g. name, followCount, followedCount)
    • List of the user's murmurs


  • You can proceed with the implementation freely.
  • Of course, you can also search the Web or refer to the books you have.
  • The deadline is one week after the assignment is handed over. The date and time will be announced separately.
  • Please aim to implement all the features in client and backend. CSS is not evaluated, so the minimum design style is fine.
  • You can ask any questions about the content. If any question, please send email to and @cc and Please note that I do not guarantee an immediate reply.

How to proceed with development

  1. Download from email.
  2. Create repository for your private GitHub account and push unzipped files to main branch.
  3. Give the administrator privileges of the repository to the following Github ids.
    ・ catzshi
    ・ 2raminul
    ・ bytegroup
  4. Create develop branch from main.
  5. Create the feature branch for your develop branch, submit a pull request as appropriate, and merge it into your develop branch.
  6. When development is complete, create a Pull request from develop branch to main branch, and write Appeal Points, Implemented Features, Unimplemented Features and Impressions for this webapp test to the Pull request overview.

How to start the development environment

Programming Language

  • Typescript
  • Javascript

note: Please program by Typescript as much as possible. The Typescript ratio in your project is also evaluated.

Directory structure

  • /src -> Nuxt(Client)
  • /server -> Express(Server)
  • /db -> MySQL(DB)

install modules

It is assumed that node(v12.x.x), npm and yarn are installed. The ability to build a development environment is also the subject of this test, so even if an error occurs, please resolve it on your own.


$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ yarn -v

setup project


  1. cd db && docker-compose build
  2. docker-compose up -d


  1. cd server && npm run ts-node index.ts


  1. cd src && yarn dev

How to confirm to success to build environment

  1. You access to http://localhost:3000/
  2. It's success if render html.