Pinned issues
- 1
[FEATURE] Kick Integration
#579 opened by Draakoor - 5
Account Apps
#592 opened by ErrorHunter1 - 2
User Reward System
#343 opened by DxsSucuk - 1
Ko-Fi Notifications
#566 opened by DxsSucuk - 1
Spotify Notifications
#565 opened by DxsSucuk - 2
[Bug]: Error in playback of FIFN1zRTebs Something broke when playing the track.
#612 opened by nano11bravo - 3
- 0
CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get an AudioManager instance on an uncached Guild
#586 opened by sentry-io - 0
IOException: Error while sending request (400): {"error":{"code":400,"message":"Request contains an invalid ar...
#587 opened by sentry-io - 2
[Bug]: Flyway fails migration on SQLite databases.
#467 opened by CloudGirlS - 8
- 7
[Bug]: `/record` isn't working when self-hosting
#563 opened by jiriks74 - 1
[Bug]: Ree6 Migration fails on MySQL
#545 opened by MRsuffixx - 1
[Bug]: Record bug
#534 opened by Blacksquadman1 - 0
TikTok Integration
#535 opened by ErrorHunter1 - 1
- 1
[FEATURE] add notification system
#469 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 1
[FEATURE] Lavalink support.
#424 opened by DxsSucuk - 0
[Bug]: cancel/close
#458 opened by devexityspace - 1
[FEATURE] Create a storage file to contain data.
#420 opened by DxsSucuk - 1
[FEATURE] Giveaway
#393 opened by DxsSucuk - 1
CompletionException: net.dv8tion.jda.api.exceptions.InteractionFailureException: Cascading failure caused by interacti...
#345 opened by sentry-io - 0
CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert channel of type Category to GuildMessageChannel!
#415 opened by sentry-io - 1
[Bug]: Unable to display Chinese
#400 opened by YashajinAlice - 1
- 1
[FEATURE] TikTok Notificcations
#391 opened by DxsSucuk - 1
[FEATURE] RSS Feed Notifications
#392 opened by DxsSucuk - 1
NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "c...
#346 opened by sentry-io - 1
NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of...
#390 opened by sentry-io - 0
NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because...
#387 opened by sentry-io - 0
SQLGrammarException: JDBC exception executing SQL [SELECT * FROM YouTubeWebhooks WHERE cid = ? AND token = ? limit ?] ...
#388 opened by sentry-io - 0
CompletionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionMa...
#389 opened by sentry-io - 1
[FEATURE] Portuguese Brazilian Language
#381 opened by louanfontenele - 0
CompletionException: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement [(conn=53154) D...
#347 opened by sentry-io - 1
[Bug]: Play and Skip buttons make the bot only think
#342 opened by Gremagol - 0
CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL must be a valid http(s) or attachment url.
#337 opened by sentry-io - 0
- 0
CompletionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.InteractionHook.g...
#322 opened by sentry-io - 0
CompletionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "
#321 opened by sentry-io - 0
CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create action row with invalid component combinations....
#316 opened by sentry-io - 1
IOException: Invalid JSONElement: <!DOCTYPE html>
#317 opened by sentry-io - 1
JsonSyntaxException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malforme...
#305 opened by sentry-io - 0
UnauthorizedException: The access token expired
#309 opened by sentry-io - 0
Missing Language-Entry: label.botMemberName
#307 opened by sentry-io - 0
Missing Language-Entry: label.statistic
#308 opened by sentry-io - 0
CompletionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionMa...
#304 opened by sentry-io - 0
- 2
IOException: Error while sending request: {"error":{"code":429,"message":"Request throttled at the client by A...
#303 opened by sentry-io - 2
PersistenceException: Converting `org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException` to JPA `PersistenceException` : coul...
#302 opened by sentry-io - 0