
My Rosetta Code contributions.

Primary LanguageR


This is where I store anything that I was proud enough of to submit to Rosetta Code. Everything here is as it was when I submitted it, free from the contributions and improvements of users other than myself. If I improve my submission on Rosetta Code, then I'll also improve it here.

I currently have about 125 solutions on my PC, but I have not submitted many of them to the site. Typically, this is for one of the following reasons:

  1. The task mostly tested something other than skill with the language in question. For example, lots of tasks are made much easier if you know some good tricks for factoring integers or if you're familiar with regular expressions.
  2. My solution was as good as identical to the other solutions. This is usually the case for tasks that can be solved in only a few lines.
  3. The existing solutions were far better than mine.
  4. I wasn't interested enough in the problem to turn my first solution in to a good solution.
  5. My solution solved almost all of the problem, but needed a full rewrite to really solve it.
  6. The task itself encouraged bad code or code that looks like bad code. This is particularly common for tasks that want you to do something that your language is terrible at.

Where possible, I have included some context explaining why I submitted my solution and how it differs from the site's existing solutions. The explanations tend to vary based on whether or not there was already a submitted solution in R. Generally speaking, if I fully solve a task which had no previous solution in R, then I include it here regardless of many of the above concerns.