
Instagram remake that implements auto face detection

Primary LanguageSwift

Build Status


Instagram remake that implements auto face detection

An Instagram remake that implements face detection for:

  • User authentication
  • Tagging a user
  • Searching for a user


The application uses a python backend that implements the dlib software page with ageitgey wonderful Python wrapper face_detection. The application does not store any user credentials but rather when a user wants to login they must take a image of themselves which compared to a face points that are stored in a MySQL database. With this approach the user is not bound to a phone. They are able to log into any device quickly.

Some considerations

This application is a proof of concept on using a face recognition for all authenticaiton. While using just an image of a person is not secure, this model could be adapted to a more secure form of face detection.

Future development

Some of the future development that could develop this application into a more realistic application is looking into devices that have a more secure face scanning or using retinal scanning. This could mean that with the development of the iPhone X and Samsungs Note line having retinal scanning it could be adapted to those devices with a more secure footing.
