A CLI prompt to quickly enter in hours at paycheckrecords.com.
Their web interface is too tedious and slow.
- Clone this repo
npm install
- Create and edit
npm start
Enter the date and hours in the prompt
If you just press return at the prompt, it will use the defaults. Otherwise, you can enter in a date and time range for each prompt. The date is parsed using datejs, so you can enter "yesterday" or "monday" or "6/1" and it will work. The time range must contain "-" with a start and end time for each prompt. If you want to skip a shift, then just enter "-" only.
crontab -e
0 17 * * 1-5 /usr/local/opt/node/bin/node /path/to/paycheckrecords/index.js
Starts up a cron that triggers a dialog prompt Monday through Friday at 5pm (by default). If you click Yes in the dialog, your default hours will be added.