
Complete Ansible setup for the dynamic DNS service nsupdate.info - Includes PostgreSQL, Bind9, Nginx, Certbot, Postfix

Primary LanguageJinja

Install nsupdate.info on Debian with Ansible

This Playbook installs everything you need to run your own dynamic DNS service:

  • nsupdate.info as main service
  • PostgreSQL as database
  • Nginx with uwsgi as webserver
  • Bind9 for DNS
  • certbot for TLS certificates
  • Postfix as local mail relay

I found the installation of nsupdate.info pretty hard and the documentation too brief, so I used Ansible to document my experiences. Study, share, improve :)


  • Server with Debian 10 or 11 and fixed IPv4+IPv6 addresses (e.g. and 2a03:1000:53:123::12)
  • A domain (e.g. example.com)
  • Some DNS entries: If you own the domain "example.com" and want to run a dynamic DNS service on "dyn.example.com" then set this entries in the nameserver of "example.com":
    • A and AAAA records for this server:
      • dyn.example.com A
      • dyn.example.com AAAA 2a03:1000:53:123::12
    • NS record to this server:
      • dyn.example.com NS dyn.example.com
    • If you use a secondary DNS server then additionally a NS rercord pointing to that server:
      • dyn.example.com NS ljhgl2389ukjdhkwhd239uesadswd.free.ns.buddyns.com


See host_vars/dyn.example.com


  1. Install Ansible (apt-get install ansible)
  2. Make sure you can log in on the server as root, without having to type in a password. (Use SSH Public Key authentication.)
  3. Edit the file hosts and set your server's hostname and IP address
  4. In directory host_vars rename the file dyn.example.com to your server's hostname and set your preferences in that file
  5. Execute ansible-playbook -i hosts nsupdate.yml to start the installation. You can use the option --diff to see what Ansible does on your server in detail, and/or --check for a dry-run.