
Matthew, Euan, Reka

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Matthew, Reka and Euan


This app allows users to keep track of favours that users do for each other. Favours have a value and the overall value of favours provided by each user is visible to all users.


On loading the site the user must be able to enter a task completed and who that task was performed for.


  • View a table of users and their current overall IOU ratings.
  • Select a user and view the favours they have done for you and the favours you have done for them.
  • Users should be able to create a profile and state the tasks they are good at.
  • Users should be able to vote to allocate a value to a new type of task.
  • Users can rate how well others have done a task.

Setup instructions:

  • Clone the repository from GitHub

  • Anywhere in the terminal run the following command to start MongoDB:

  • To populate the database with sample data, navigate to the /wk9_iou-app/iou_backend/db/sample_data directory and run the following command:

        mongo < iou_objects.js
  • In the terminal, navigate to the iou_backend directory and run the following commands:

        npm install
        npm start
  • Navigate to the iou_frontend directory and run the following commands:

        npm install
        npm start