A simple implementation of database for course software_engineering

Primary LanguageC++

The main part of the project has been transferred to xjbDB, only this readme will be up-to-date


This project is front end part of database-miniDB for the course software engineering

Processing flow

  • input (from vm)

    • accept a string of sql statement ( excluding ';' )
  • lexer

    • turn the string into tokens sequence according to word-formation rules
    • tokens include keyword, identifier, numeric(int), string_literal
    • if unexcepted char occurs, throw an exception
  • parse (generated by RulesTranslator using .tsl file)

    • accept token one by one, shift / reduce using LR1
    • syntax-directed translation, generate query plan bottom-up
    • for expression and select operation, generate ast
    • when generate query plan, check if any invalid operation occurs
  • output (to vm)

    • whether the statement is valid, return a variant of query plan

    • no exception guaranteed

    • query plan includes

      • CreateTableInfo
      • DropTableInfo
      • SelectInfo
      • UpdateInfo
      • InsertInfo
      • DeleteInfo
      • Show: used to show info about database
      • Exit: used to suggest quiting
      • ErrorMsg

Other parts of the database

documents and references




/* arithmetic operator */
{ "+", type::ADD }, { "-", type::SUB }, { "*", type::MUL }, { "/", type::DIV }, { "%", type::MOD },

/* logic operator */
{ "AND", type::AND }, { "OR", type::OR },

/* compare operator */
{ "==", type::EQ }, { "!=", type::NEQ },
{ "<", type::LESS }, { ">", type::GREATER }, { "<=", type::LEQ }, { ">=", type::GEQ },

/* assign operator */
{ "=", type::ASSIGN },

/* numeric type */
{ "INT", type::INT }, 

/* special keyword */
{ "CHAR", type::CHAR }, { "VARCHAR", type::VARCHAR }, { "$", type::WILDCARD },
{ "NN", type::NOT_NULL }, { "DISTINCT", type::DISTINCT }, { "VALUES", type::VALUES },
{ "CREATE", type::CREATE },{ "DROP", type::DROP },
{ "INSERT", type::INSERT },{ "DELETE", type::DELETE },{ "UPDATE", type::UPDATE },{ "SELECT", type::SELECT },
{ "SHOW", type::SHOW},
{ "TABLE", type::TABLE },{ "FROM", type::FROM },{ "WHERE", type::WHERE },{ "JOIN", type::JOIN },
{ "ORDERBY", type::ORDERBY },{ "ASC", type::ASC },{ "DESC", type::DESC },{ "SET", type::SET },
{ "DEFAULT", type::DEFAULT },{ "PK", type::PRIMARY_KEY },{ "REFERENCES", type::REFERENCES },

/* other operator */
{ ",", type::COMMA }, { ".", type::PERIOD }, { ";", type::SEMICOLON },
{ "?", type::QUESTION }, { ":", type::COLON },
{ "(", type::LEFT_PARENTHESIS },      { ")", type::RIGHT_PARENTHESIS },
{ "[", type::LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKETS },  { "]", type::RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKETS },
{ "{", type::LEFT_CURLY_BRACKETS },   { "}", type::RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKETS },

{"EXIT", type::EXIT},


  • white spaces will be regarded as separators of tokens, redundant ones will be ignored

  • use different analyzers to analyze char by char

  • according to the token forms, analyzers include

    • word_analyzer
    • number_analyzer //support underline in a number for readablity
    • single_operator_analyzer
    • combinable_operator_analyzer
    • string_analyzer //support both single quotation mark and double quotation marks
  • any unrecognized char or wrong char sequence will throw an exception which will be caught in the query phase

  • if no exception, lexer will generate a stream of tokens for next steps

miniSQL syntax

the sql syntax is a subset of mySQL with some modifications


  • all keywords are uppercase, which means miniSQL is case-sensitive

  • only have INT CHAR(n) VARCHAR(n) data type

  • the wildcard is $ instead of *

  • the keyword for primary key is PK instead of PRIMARY KEY

  • the keyword for not null is NN instead of NOT NULL

  • the assignment symbol = is only used for update set , while the equality symbol == is widely used in the where clause

  • remove some optional keywords and clauses


  • support _ in number, such as 1_000_000 and 66_1234_0000
  • support expression in many part
    • SELECT id + 1, "name:" + name FROM...
    • UPDATEXX SET name = "ID-" + name ...
    • INSERTXX (id, name) VALUES (1+4/2%3, "hua" + "ji")
    • ... ORDERBY id % 10 DESC
sqlStatement := ddlStatement | dmlStatement | "SHOW" | "EXIT"

ddlStatement := createTable | dropTable
dmlStatement := selectStatement | insertStatement | updateStatement | deleteStatement

createTable := "CREATE" "TABLE" tableName createDefinitions
dropTable := "DROP" "TABLE" tableName

createDefinitions := "(" createDefinition [{"," createDefinition}*] ")"
createDefinition := "ID" dataType [columnConstraint*]
dataType := "INT" | "CHAR" "(" positiveNum ")" | "VARCHAR" "(" positiveNum ")"
columnConstraint := "NOT_NULL" | "DEFAULT" expressionAtom | "PRIMARY_KEY" | "REFERENCES" tableName

insertStatement := "INSERT" tableName insertElements 
	| "INSERT" tableName "(" "ID" [{"," "ID"}*] ")" insertElements
insertElements := "VALUES" "(" expressionAtom [{"," expressionAtom}*] ")"

updateStatement := "UPDATE" tableName "SET" updateElements ["WHERE" expression]
updateElements := updateElement [{"," updateElement}*]
updateElement := columnName "=" expressionAtom

deleteStatement := "DELETE" "FROM" tableName ["WHERE" expression]

selectStatement := "SELECT" selectElements fromClause ["WHERE" expression] [orderByClause]
selectElements := "$" | expressionAtom [{"," expressionAtom}*]
fromClause := "FROM" tableName [{"," tableName}*] 
	| "FROM" tableName "JOIN" tableName
orderByClause := "ORDERBY" orderByExpression [{"," orderByExpression}*]
orderByExpression := expressionAtom ["ASC"|"DESC"]

expression := expression logicalOperator expression | predicate
predicate := expressionAtom comparisonOperator expressionAtom | expressionAtom
expressionAtom  := expressionAtom mathOperator expressionAtom | constantNum | "STR_LITERAL" | columnName

logicalOperator := "AND" | "OR"
comparisonOperator := "==" | ">" | "<" | "<=" | ">=" | "!="
mathOperator := "*" | "/" | "%" | "+" | "-"

tableName := "ID"
columnName := "ID" "." "ID" | "ID"
constantNum := ["-"] positiveNum
positiveNum := "NUMBER_CONSTANT"


SELECT id + 1, "NAME:" + name FROM USER JOIN CLASS WHERE CLASS.no > 666 AND USER.id * USER.id > 3 + USER.id AND USER.name == CLASS.name + 'huaji'

INSERT USER(id,name) VALUES(123 * 6 + 233, "huaji" + "666")

UPDATE USER SET name = "huawei" + USER.id WHERE id == 1_2_3



Dependency relationship (.h files)

Dependency relationship

AST inheritance relationship

expression AST

expression AST

  • BaseExpr / AtomExpr / NonAtomExpr are virtual class and cannot be instantiated
  • BaseExpr has a variable base_t identifies its actual type

operation AST

operation AST

  • BaseOp is virtual class and cannot be instantiated
  • with a virtual function getOutPut
  • ProjectOp / FilterOp / JoinOP are used for the three kinds of basic operations of relational algebra

visit functions

utility functions for specific purposes

output visit

output the AST to the given ostream regardless of validity

void outputVisit(std::shared_ptr<const BaseExpr> root, std::ostream &os);

void outputVisit(std::shared_ptr<const BaseOp> root, std::ostream &os);

check visit

check visit, used in parsing phase

  1. check sql semantics, such as TableA.idd == 123 but here doesn't exist idd column in TableA

  2. check the type matching,

    such as WHERE "wtf" AND TableA.name == 123

    ​ here string "wtf" is not supported by logicalOp AND

    ​ string TableA.name and number 123 don't matched

for any mismatching, throw DB_Exception if passing, it is guaranteed other visit function will never encounter unexcepted cases

void checkVisit(std::shared_ptr<const BaseExpr> root, const std::string tableName = std::string());

void checkVisit(std::shared_ptr<const AtomExpr> root, const std::string tableName = std::string());

vm visit

used to calculate the real value for a specified expression

//for WHERE clause(expression), used for filtering values of a row
bool vmVisit(std::shared_ptr<const BaseExpr> root, table::row_view row);

//for others(expressionAtom), used for computing math/string expression and data in the specified row
table::value_t vmVisitAtom(std::shared_ptr<const AtomExpr> root, table::row_view row = NULL_ROW);

Query Plan

this is an example of generating query plan

SELECT id, name FROM Student WHERE 2 + id * 2 > 100 AND name == "xx";

generate token stream


parse (part)


syntax tree

Syntax tree

query plan




  • createinfo print
  • tsl delay check till know tablename
  • all check visit case
    • type mismatch
    • column existence
    • table existence
    • check pk nums
  • //(shelved till check optization)check CHAR and VARCHAR length according to table structure(sometimes cannot check)


  • source of DML op structs should be a class, such as singleTableSource ExprTableSource、JoinTableSource、SubqueryTableSource


  • optimize expression structure when check visiting

multi-threading (shelved)

  • buffer for table structure needs read&write lock
  • among simultaneous execution plans, one drops a table which another plan used it (may pass semantics check)


requirements need supporting by other parts

  • xx