
The reformed version of RulesTranslator

Primary LanguageC++


The reformed version of RulesTranslator

This project is a personal project aming to practice my skills in making compiler as well as writing C++ codes. It's a reformed version of Rules Translator.

This project aims at making a simple compiler to translate a simple language that is written accompanied with C++ into C++ source code.


Compiler support C++17 standard as well as C++17 standard library. There exists some standard library dependency when the target file is generated, to write a ".tsl" file, include the file of "extern/files/TargetDependence.h" to ensure those dependency.


Simple Usage:

./rtsl <source path> [[-o] <target path>]

There must be a source path that ended with ".tsl", if not specified, <target path> would be souce path with postfix of ".cpp"

Full Usage:

./rtsl [property_list] <souce path> [property_list]


[-o] <output file path> *:default is the same as source file with postfix .cpp
-thread <unsigned int to specify thread amount> *: [1 - 100]
-ignore_duplicate_production *: just for auto-combine ones