
This project is a Bankist website For banking works and credits and Show to you Types of loan and So on and you can open an account from this website. šŸ’µ

Primary LanguageHTML

Bankist Website

.This project is a Bankist website For banking works and credits and Show to you Types of loan and So on and you can open an account from this website. šŸ’µ

Built With

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: N/A
  • Technologies used: GIT, GITHUB, LINTERS


šŸ‘¤ Reem

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GitHub @Reem-lab
Twitter Rem79940127
LinkdIn reem-janina

šŸ¤ Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • The Original design idea by JonasSchmedtman .
  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc