Primary LanguageJava

Movie Rating System

This project is a movie rating system implemented in Java using the Swing framework and a database developed using XAMPP. The system allows users to view a list of movies, add new movies, and rate existing movies. The movies and their ratings are stored in a database, which can be accessed and modified through the user interface.

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Project presentation


Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/ReemAlsharabi/OOP.git

  1. Open the project in your preferred Java IDE.

  2. Build and run the project.

  3. Make sure that XAMPP is installed and running on your local machine.

  4. Import the SQL file into the XAMPP's PHPMyAdmin to set up the database


  • View a list of movies
  • Add a new movie
  • Rate an existing movie
  • Database integration using XAMPP

Built With

  • Java - Programming language
  • Swing - Framework for creating graphical user interfaces
  • XAMPP - A software stack that includes Apache, MariaDB, and PHP


  • This was a group project for the OOP course CS2132
