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This app is an educational app that quizzes a user about Android concepts. It's was built as the 2nd project for Udacity Nano-degree.
Currency app is designed to helps customers to hand different currency conversions.
A simple notes and tasks application for the Android platform. Supports Night mode. Follows the concept of "Single Activity". Architectural pattern (MVVM). Tech used (Room database, Data binding, View binding, Navigation component, Safe Args, RecyclerView, Animations, ViewModels, LiveData, kotlin coroutines).
an e-commerce app that fetches data from a public API and displays it in a RecyclerView with different view types for products.
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
A simple job-search app for the Android platform. Follows the concept of "Single Activity". Architectural pattern (MVVM).
This app is the structure of a Music Player app. It’s intended to play music from the user’s library of music. The app does not actually play music because it was developed as a project for the Android Basics Nano-degree by Google.
It's an application to display earthquakes news using USGS API. This app was built as a hands-on project for the 4th course in the Android Basics Nano-degree of
ReemHazzaa's Repositories
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
A simple notes and tasks application for the Android platform. Supports Night mode. Follows the concept of "Single Activity". Architectural pattern (MVVM). Tech used (Room database, Data binding, View binding, Navigation component, Safe Args, RecyclerView, Animations, ViewModels, LiveData, kotlin coroutines).
A simple job-search app for the Android platform. Follows the concept of "Single Activity". Architectural pattern (MVVM).
This app is the structure of a Music Player app. It’s intended to play music from the user’s library of music. The app does not actually play music because it was developed as a project for the Android Basics Nano-degree by Google.
It's an application to display earthquakes news using USGS API. This app was built as a hands-on project for the 4th course in the Android Basics Nano-degree of
This app is an educational app that quizzes a user about Android concepts. It's was built as the 2nd project for Udacity Nano-degree.
An android game that produces random math questions and let the user choose among 4 answers. The user can answer as much questions as he/she can only within 30sec timer time then they are allowed to play again.
A connect3 game between two players. The app uses animations to drop the game items.
Currency app is designed to helps customers to hand different currency conversions.
an e-commerce app that fetches data from a public API and displays it in a RecyclerView with different view types for products.
An Android app(game) that guesses a random number and matches it with the user's guess. The app uses Toasts to tell the user if his guess is wright or wrong.
An app for tracking the location of the user and displaying it.
An Android app that lets the user learns the basic words of the Miwok language by swiping through 4 tabs (using fragments and view pager) of numbers, family, colors and basic phrases. The app provides playable audios for each word or phrase with a user-friendly UI.
This application queries The Guardian API to get news and displays them in the main screen in a ListView. Each item of it will redirect the user to the whole article whenever clicked.
This is a two-activity app lets a user view top hacker news using the HackerNews API. When an article is clicked, the content of it's html page is loaded into a webview in a new activity. The app stores these data in a Sqlite DB.
This app uses google maps API to locate the user and let him save his favorite places in shared preferences by long tapping them on the map.
A simple saving notes app that allows a user to add a new note using a menu and deleting it by long pressing it using an alert dialog. Notes are saved in the shared preferences.
A simple countdown timer. It uses a seekbar to control the time of the countdown timer. When it finishes counting down an audio is played as an alert.
An Android app uses a seekbar and a listview to generate the first 20 Times Tables.
It's an android app with multiple screens, each of which lists a kind of attraction for Luxor city in Egypt, temples, main landmarks of ancient Egyptians, restaurants, hotels and more. Those lists are populated using custom adapters. The navigation through different screens is simplified by a navigation drawer.
An Android app to translate 8 English phrases to Turkish. The app displays the English phrases as buttons. When pressed, the translated phrase is displayed and is vocally said.
An app to get the weather status by city name using "Open Weather Map" API.