Legend: 🟡 = AI told me these were most common 🟠 = most commonly used verbs from sheet 🟢 = être verbs (involving movement) 🔵 = modal verbs devoir, pouvoir, vouloir
note: The definitions could be placed into h4 tags easily which would display them as well in the sidebar. original source: http://www.dudziak.com/verbs.php //////////////////////////////////////////////////
to lower
to dumbfound
to knock down
to abolish
to absolve
to abstain
to accept
to acclaim
to accompany
to grant
to rush
to hang
to welcome
to accuse
to buy
to finish
to acquire
to adjoin
to admit
to admire
to adore
to address
to happen
to weaken
to annoy
to act
to help
to love
to add
to go
to arrange
to bring
to amuse
to animate
to announce
to perceive
to memorize
to appear
to belong
to call
to bring
to learn
to approach
to approve
to arm
to tear off
to question
to arrange
to stop
to arrive
to assail
to sit
to assist
to ensure
to compel
to attack
to reach
to wait
to attract
to catch
to increase
to advance
to venture
to have
to need
to be right
to lower
to swing
to sweep
to build
to beat
to chat
to bleat
to bless
to joke
to blame
to bleach
to injure
to drink
to move
to boil
to break
to brush
to grind
to burn
to hide
to break
to cause
to yield
to gird
to celebrate
to cease
to change
to sing
to load
to hunt
to walk
to search
to cherish
to choose
to whisper
to circumcise
to circumscribe
to surround
to close
to stick
to fight
to command
to begin
to commit
to appear in court
to compare
to complete
to understand
to count
to conceive
to conclude
to compete
to drive
to preserve
to confuse
to join
to know
to conquer
to advise
to consent
to consider
to consume
to build
to contain
to tell
to continue
to constrain
to contradict
to contravene
to control
to convince
to agree
to correspond
to correct
to corrupt
to lie down
to sew
to cut
to run
to cost
to cover
to fear
to create
to shout
to believe
to pick
to cook
to feel guilty
to dance
to debate
to disappoint
to tear
to decide
to open
to dishearten
to unpick
to discourage
to discover
to describe
to retract
to deduce
to faint
to undo
to defend
to clear
to clear
to have lunch
to ask
to move (residence)
to remain
to demolish
to denounce
to depart
to exceed
to hurry
to depict
to depend
to spend
to displease
to disturb
to descend / to go down
to desire
to disobey
to draw
to fade
to detain
to detest
to divert
to destroy
to develop
to become
to undress
to guess
to have to / must
to defer
to diminish
to have dinner
to say
to direct
to discourse
to discuss
to disjoin
to disappear
to dissolve
to divorce
to give
to sleep
to double
to doubt
to escape
to fail
to hatch
to dismiss
to listen
to crush
to write
to erase
to frighten
to brighten
to raise
to elect
to move away
to embrace
to take
to grind
to seize
to prevent
to employ
to impress
to borrow
to enclose
to encourage
to incur
to put to sleep
to coat
to violate
to flee
to engage
to enjoin
to remove
to annoy
to state
to inquire
to record
to teach
to ensue
to hear
to bury
to train
to undertake
to enter
to maintain
to half-open
to fly away
to send
to spell
to marry
to squeeze
to experience
to be equivalent
to hope
to try
to wipe
to estimate
to establish
to extinguish
to extend
to astonish
to stun
to be
to embrace tightly
to study
to evaluate
to avoid
to exaggerate
to exclude
to excuse
to demand
to exist
to explain
to explore
to express
to anger
to weaken
to almost
to do / to make
to be necessary
to feign
to congratulate
to split
to close
to flip through
to trust / to rely on
to finish
to fix
to found
to melt
to force
to foreclose
to search
to provide
to hit
to shiver
to fry
to flee
to smoke
to win
to keep
to waste
to spoil
to whine
to freeze
to bother
to manage
to taste
to grow
to scratch
to hail
to climb
to scold
to heal
to dress
to live
to hate
to hesitate
to hiccup
to ignore
to impose
to include
to indicate
to induce
to inform
to worry
to register
to insist
to instruct
to forbid
to interest
to interrogate
to interrupt
to intervene
to introduce
to invent
to invite
to gush
to chat
to turn yellow
to throw
to join
to play
to enjoy
to judge
to swear
to kidnap
to honk
to release
to let / to leave
to throw
to wash
to raise
to read
to lodge
to rent
to shine
to lose weight
to maintain
to eat
to miss / to lack
to walk
to curse
to be unfamiliar with
to slander
to distrust
to mix
to threaten
to lead
to lie
to mistake
to despise
to deserve
to measure
to put
to moderate
to climb
to show
to mock
to bite
to grind
to wet
to die
to swim
to be born
to navigate
to neglect
to negotiate
to snow
to clean
to neutralize
to deny
to blacken
to name
to note
to knot
to nourish
to drown
to harm
to obey
to oblige
to obtain
to occlude
to occupy
to offer
to anoint
to omit
to dare
to forget
to open
to appear
to travel through
to forgive
to speak
to share
to participate
to leave
to reach
to pass
to skate
to pay
to sin
to fish
to comb
to paint
to peel
to hang
to penetrate
to think
to perceive
to lose
to perish
to permit
to persuade
to weigh
to play the piano
to place
to pity
to please
to joke
to plant
to cry
to rain
to fold
to dive
to dawn
to lay (eggs)
to carry
to place
to possess
to pursue
to push
to be able to
to predict
to prefer
to take
to prepare
to prescribe
to present
to foresee
to squeeze
to claim
to lend
to prevail
to warn
to foresee
to pray
to produce
to project
to walk
to promise
to pronounce
to propose
to proscribe
to protect
to prove
to come from
to stink
to punish
to seek
to leave
to tell
to slow down
to tidy up
to recall
to reassure
to miss
to delight
to receive
to take back
to recognize
to reconstruct
to sew back
to resort to
to cover
to rewrite
to gather
to write
to say again
to reduce
to re-elect
to redo
to reflect
to reflect
to refuse
to look
to regret
to reject
to rejoin
to reread
to notice
to thank
to put back / to hand over
to grind again
to replace
to fill
to meet
to give back / to render
to give up
to renew
to return
to send back
to spread
to reappear
to repair
to iron
to repaint
to repent
to spot
to repeat
to answer
to rest
to take back / to resume
to scold
to reproduce
to solve
to resemble
to feel
to stay
to restrict
to dye again
to retain
to return
to succeed
to wake up
to reveal
to claim
to come back
to dream
to dress in
to see again
to retaliate
to laugh
to break
to blush
to roll
to reopen
to project
to seize
to soil
to satisfy
to jump
to save
to know
to shake
to help
to seduce
to stay
to seem
to feel
to separate
to tighten
to serve
to whistle
to signal
to sign
to signify
to ski
to think
to ring
to go out
to blow
to suffer
to wish
to soil
to submit
to smile
to subscribe
to support
to remember
to undergo
to provide for
to succumb
to suck
to suffice
to suggest
to follow
to beg
to support
to suppose
to surprise
to occur
to survive
to fly over
to provoke
to tap
to dye
to telephone
to stretch
to hold
to attempt
to finish
to pull / to shoot
to fall
to mow
to thunder
to knock
to twist
to touch
to turn
to cough
to trace
to translate
to betray
to treat
to transcribe
to transmit
to become visible
to work
to cross
to startle
to cheat
to deceive
to find
to kill
to address as "tu"
to unify
to unite
to wear out
to use
to conquer
to be worth
to praise
to vary
to watch over
to sell
to avenge
to come
to turn green
to verify
to pour
to dress
to grow old
to aim
to visit
to live
to veil
to see
to fly / to steal
to vote
to want
to address as "vous"
to travel
to warrant
to stripe
to lisp
to zone