Clone this repository into a directory using
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/ReezanVisram/NHLSimulation.git
OR Click the Download Zip button and extract the .zip into an empty directory -
Ensure you have the latest version of both Python and Pip Package Manager installed. Install the latest version of Pip by opening your command line of choice (E.g. CMD on Windows) and using the following command:
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
With the latest version of both Python and Pip installed, run the command
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Optionally, create a Virtual Environment by first installing virtualenv with pip and creating and activating one.
- Everything is now installed. You are now ready to use the Simulation!
Run the scraper.py file by going into the directory the Simulation is installed in and using the command:
$ python scraper.py
This will create the information.json file required for the engine to get all of the information about the players. -
Run the engine.py file by navigating into the directory in which it is installed and using the command:
$python engine.py
which will create and simulate every single game of the season, output every single team's place at the end of the season, generate the playoff bracket and simulate each playoff series, and crown the eventual Stanley Cup Champion!