
Build a repository search engine on the iOS platform using the public Github API (developer.github.com/v3/). Based on this name, the application should display a list of matching repositories. After clicking on the repository data we should go to its details (name, thumbnail and potentially other "useful information"). - The amount of information and its presentation is left to the discretion of the programmer). Other, additional functions are left to the discretion of the programmer.

Primary LanguageSwift

Neontri SearchEngine

Business requirements:

Build a repository search engine on the iOS platform using the public Github API (developer.github.com/v3/). Based on this name, the application should display a list of matching repositories. After clicking on the repository data we should go to its details (name, thumbnail and potentially other "useful information"). - The amount of information and its presentation is left to the discretion of the programmer). Other, additional functions are left to the discretion of the programmer.

Technical requirements:

The solution should be provided as a complete Xcode project written in Objective-C or Swift, without the use of a screen graphic designer (without Storyboards or XIB), in the form of clone repository. It is allowed to use external dependencies (e.g. Pods). The application should run on a simulator and one, freely chosen by the iPhone programmer.

Used Frameworsk to help request

  • Alamofire
  • AlamofireImage
  • ObjectMapper
  • AlamofireObjectMapper


  • Quick
  • Nimble
  • Fastlane


I Used Xcode 11.2 running on iOS 13 as no Storyboards the funtion DARK MODE can generate some bugs I wanted to so far but time won't let me. at the end I only finish very tired 🥵 and is normal that start to make errors. this project maybe contain code errors, or method is normal we are humans 🙃

can be done better? of course. But is other story.

About the project:

I am using two urls search/users and search/repositories

Api https://developer.github.com/v3/search/

is very simple for example write "sdd" after = and you get big Json

My Notes :

I want to say that I have so much time used UI Components that I don't know where to start 😂 I am not a fan for 100% code.