
Viterect Commitizen friendly license


This is a boilerplate/template I built from scratch with a lot of usefull tools configured and ready to use.
So if you wanna start a new project and don't want to waste time on configuration and figure out how to set it all up,
just clone and start to code! 😉


Getting Started

Viterect requires Node >= 14

Create a repo from this template on GitHub.


clone the repo git clone my-viterect-app \ npx degit refaelbenzvi24/viterect my-viterect-app


cd my-viterect-app
pnpm i # If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm

Before you start coding

When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly

  • Modify or delete the LICENSE file.
  • Change VITE_APP_NAME in the .env file.
  • Change the favicon in public
  • If you don't plan to use GitHub Actions, delete the .github directory.
  • Clean up the READMEs and remove routes
  • Change the name field in package.json.

And, enjoy :)


  • pnpm start - build and start production server
  • pnpm start:test - build and start production server in test mode.
  • pnpm build - build for production. The generated files will be on the dist folder.
  • pnpm build:test - build for testing. The generated files will be on the tests/dist folder.
  • pnpm serve - locally start the production build.
  • pnpm serve:test - locally start the testing build.
  • pnpm clean - clean build directory
  • pnpm commit - commit using commitizen
  • pnpm dev - start a development server with hot reload.
  • pnpm dev:test - start a development server with hot reload in test mode - used for running cypress tests with coverage.
  • extract-translations - extract translations from source files using i18next. configuration file for this is on i18next-parser.config.js. The generated files will be on the public/locales folder.
  • pnpm prepare:husky - install husky.
  • pnpm lint - runs TypeScript and ESLint.
  • pnpm lint:eslint - runs ESLint.
  • pnpm lint:tsc - runs TypeScript.
  • pnpm test - run unit tests.
  • pnpm test:ci - run all unit and integration tests in CI mode.
  • pnpm test:e2e - run all e2e tests with the Cypress Test Runner.
  • pnpm test:e2e:headless - run all e2e tests headlessly.
  • pnpm test:e2e:ci - run all e2e tests for CI Environment.
  • pnpm coverage:jest - open the coverage report in the browser for jest.
  • pnpm coverage:cypress - open the coverage report in the browser for cypress.
  • pnpm validate - runs lint, test:ci and test:e2e:ci.

Deploy to GCloud


Generate a service account key copy the whole file object content to the GitHub secrets with the key PROJECT_GCP_KEY and the project id to PROJECT_GCP_ID,


Every push to the master/main branch will trigger a deployment to GCloud.