

  • Create React App
  • Typescript
  • styled-components
  • momentjs
  • notistack
  • Apollo Client


Search through list of items with filters and search by criteria.


It all begins with the onChange event fired when the input changes. There is a local state filterText exposed to the filter component after passing through a useMemo hook to prevent unnecessary rebuilds when the text doesn't change. The api( GQL ) request is made in the useEffect within the IIFE. Previously cached data is set on state if any (P.S data from localStorage). The filterText is then processed by another useMemo hook to get a list of items of type T extends { date?: string; id?: string } that pass the filtering criteria i.e searchOnly field and actual filter. Finally it is processed by the last useMemo to reduce the array of type T extends { date?: string; id?: string } to an object with humanReadableDates. It is then rendered to the browser.


  • None

Live link


The api is a simple graphql api written in node: API DOCS