
A growing list of commands for linux, for various things.

Useful Linux Commands

A growing list of commands for linux that I find useful for various things.

At some point when this is larger I'll organize this into folders and sections or add section links. Maybe.


Search for a file by name.

find / -name "filename.txt" 2> /dev/null

Regenerate fstab.

I was going to make a simple command for this but then I found this standalone version of Arch's genfstab. (Quick note: this generates mounting tracefs - this is not in my fstab or generated by Arch's genfstab, however google suggusts that it is a thing so just double check that that is correct).

# Preview
genfstab -U /

# Write into /etc/fstab:
# mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bal
# genfstab -L / > /etc/fstab

Scan QR Code.

You will need to install these packages. This method uses spectacle, but you can swap oit out for ther screenshotters. I aliased this to scan in my bashrc.

spectacle -b -r -m none -n -o ./screenshot-temp.png >/dev/null 2>&1 && zbarimg ./screenshot-temp.png && rm ./screenshot-temp.png

Run with eGPU.

A bit more niche but hey this is what I find useful. Add this to your bashrc and then start a program with egpu programName with your eGPU plugged in to run the program using the eGPU.


Troubleshooting / Error resolution

Library not found error:

./program: error while loading shared libraries: libraryName.so.14: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Solution: If you have googled and installed where the library comes from, it is possible you have a newer version of the library installed than the program wants. In this case, look for what version you have installed with this command:

find / -name "libraryName.so.*" 2> /dev/null

Then, if you found the library, create a symbolic link between where the program is looking for the old library, and where the new library is:

ln -s <current library location> <where program is checking location>

Determin if device has been power-throttled:

Run this command:

vcgencmd get_throttled

Then, take the resulting hex number and throw it in this decoder.


Rickroll at bash startup.

It runs as a silent background job while the video loads. To stop it, type fg and hit Ctrl + c

echo "{ mpv --quiet -vo=tct -cache-pause=no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ & } 2>/dev/null;" >> ~/.bashrc