This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Feline Fun Game

by Maria and Reggie

User Journey

User would be able to:

  • choose from a drop-down of cats and select one
  • see the description and picture of the cat chosen while the cat is alive
  • feed the cat every few seconds
  • play with the cat



Should have been TDD but stumbled a bit on...

Props and State



const App = () => {
  const [catData, setCatData] = React.useState(null); 
  React.useEffect(() => {
      getAllCatBreeds().then(data => setCatData(data));
  }, []);

  const [catInfo, setCatInfo] = React.useState(null);
  const [selectedCat, setSelectedCat] = React.useState("abys")
  const [catEnergy, setCatEnergy] = React.useState(null);

  React.useEffect(() => {
      getCatInfo(selectedCat).then(data => {setCatInfo(data); setCatEnergy(data[0].breeds[0].energy_level)})
  }, [selectedCat])
 if(!catData) return <Loading />

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <CatDropdown catData={catData}  selectedCat={selectedCat} setSelectedCat={setSelectedCat} />
        <CatInfo catInfo={catInfo} catEnergy={catEnergy} setCatEnergy = {setCatEnergy} selectedCat ={selectedCat}/>

Api Calls

  • getAllCatBreeds
  • getCatInfo


import React from 'react'

const EnergyMetre = ({catEnergy,setCatEnergy,selectedCat}) => {
    // const [catEnergy, setCatEnergy] = React.useState(5)
// console.log(props);
    React.useEffect(() => {
        const energyCount = setInterval(() => {
            setCatEnergy(prevCatEnergy => {
                if(prevCatEnergy === 0) {clearInterval(energyCount)
                return prevCatEnergy = 0}
                return prevCatEnergy-1
        }, 1500)
        // return (() => clearInterval(energyCount))

    const [disableFeed, setDisableFeed] = React.useState(false)
    const [disablePlay, setDisablePlay] = React.useState(false)

    return (
          <progress max="5" value={`{catEnergy}`}></progress>
          <div className="btnFlex">
              <button className="feedBtn" disabled={disableFeed} onClick={() => {
              setCatEnergy(prevCatEnergy => {
                if (catEnergy === 5) {
                    setTimeout(() => {setDisableFeed(disableFeed)},3000)
                else if(prevCatEnergy>0 && prevCatEnergy < 5) 
                    setTimeout(() => {setDisableFeed(disableFeed)},1500)
                return prevCatEnergy +1
          <button className="playBtn" disabled ={disablePlay} onClick={() => {
                setCatEnergy(prevCatEnergy => {
                if (catEnergy === 5) {
                    setTimeout(() => {setDisablePlay(disablePlay)},3000)
                else if(prevCatEnergy>0 && prevCatEnergy < 5) 
                setTimeout(() => {setDisablePlay(disablePlay)},1000)
                return prevCatEnergy +1

export default EnergyMetre


Moving Forward

  • add more interaction - e.g. greyed out button on click, user ability to change the background
  • about/how to play section
  • add pictures/icons interacting with the cat on the frame
  • add tests
  • base button effect on api properties
  • have the progress bar start full for every cat
