Battling Knights Game

Note: This requires Python 3.7 or higher to run since it leverages the new @dataclass notation.

This game is modeled using a few classes:

The Knight class will hold properties such as ID, position, item equipped, base attack, etc.

The Arena class will be mainly concerned with storing the positon of everything on the board and moving things around.

The Item class used to describe items on the board.

The POS class is the building block of the board; is used by Knight, Item and Arena to determine their position.

A Battle class which deals with the life and death of knights.

A Serialize class to read and write to the FS.

A RunGame class which brings everything together:

  • reads instructions
  • sets initial knight positions
  • runs the game

These classes reference each other like so:

  • A knight instance has a pos attribute so it always knows where it's placed on the board.
  • A pos instance always knows whether it holds items or a knight.
  • An item instance will always reference its position as well.

We are able to determine the position of a knight either by referring to knight.pos or by referring to arena.board.

Outline of classes

Knight class:

pos: <Pos>
equipped: <Item>
BaseAttack: 1
BaseDefence: 1

Arena class:


board - 2 dimensional matrix
        each item is a POS element


move_knight - allowed (N,S,E,W)
    move_empty_square - update position
    move_square_with_loot - equip item, according to (A,M,D,H) rule
    move_square_with_knight - attack
    move_square_with_water - drown, drop items

POS class:

position: (0, 0)
knight_ids: ()
item_ids: ()

Serialize class:

  • Read instructions from from the moves.txt file
  • Serialize to JSON format and write to FS.

Battle class:

Battle and kill knights.

RunGame class:

Run instructions and update Arena, Knights, etc.


To run the app:


To run the test:


Moves are read in from moves.txt.

The output is written to final_state.json.