
React, Redux, Mongodb, Sping Boot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • This app is for educational purpose only.
  • PSN Social Network tries to mimic a few functions of Twitter, including:
    • Create post with text and image
    • The number of characters in each post is limited to 200 characters
    • Like, comment and re-post a post
    • View the number of likes, comments and shares of a post
    • Comments are toggle
    • The number of character in each comment is limited to 100 characters
    • Follow, un-follow someone
    • See who are following us and follow them back
    • Check who we are following
    • View all posts of an individual
    • View our own posts
    • List all user accounts in the entire social network (due to the number of users are still small, I did not develop search user function)
    • Other functions:
      • Due to limited storage space, client app compresses the uploaded image to the maximum of 250px (width or height)
      • User avatar is created by hashing user id and convert that hash code into a hexagonal image
      • Authentication and authorization use JWT
      • Responsive frontend for desktop and mobile devices
  • Technical stack:
    • Frontend: ReactJS, Redux Toolkit, React Router, React Bootstrap
    • Backend: Java Spring Boot
    • Database: MongoDB

Live Demo: https://psn-social-network.herokuapp.com/#/