
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Reikimanns Dotfiles

Fonts and icons

  • Liga SFMono Nerd Font
  • Iosevka Aile (ttc-iosevka-aile)
  • Fira code (ttf-fira-code)
  • Opensans (ttf-opensans)
  • Adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts
  • Adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts
  • Adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fonts
  • Opendesktop-fonts
  • Papirus-icon-theme
  • Adwaita-icon-theme

Programs needed for Setup

  • Mpv
  • Git
  • Paru (aur-helper)
  • Lf
    • Ueberzug
    • Mediainfo
    • lynx
    • bat
    • glow
    • unzip
    • ffmpegthumbnailer
    • poppler
    • poppler-glib
    • odt2txt
    • catdoc
    • docxtxt
    • nsxiv
  • Kitty
  • Dxhd
    • Alsa-utils (amixer)
    • Playerctl
    • Feh
    • Flameshot
    • Discord
    • Waterfox-g4
    • Spotify
  • Nvim
    • Pdflatex
    • Texlive-most
    • nvim-packer-git
  • Emacs
  • Dragon-drag-and-drop (Git version)
  • Neofetch
  • Nyxt
  • Picom
  • Dunst
    • Libnotify
  • Polybar
    • Zscroll
    • Playerctl
  • Qtile
    • Xorg-setxkbmap
    • Feh
    • Dunst
    • Brightnessctl
    • Alsa-utils
  • Ranger
  • Starship
  • Zathura
  • Zsh
    • Zsh-autosuggestions
    • Zsh-completions
    • Zsh-syntax-highlighting
    • Bash-zsh-insulter
    • Fzf
    • Zoxide
    • Starship
    • Unimatrix
    • Exa
    • Lf
    • nsxiv
  • Wayland
    • Hyprland
    • Waybar-hyprland-git
    • Swayidle
    • Swaylock-effects-git
    • wlogout
    • Hyprpaper-git
    • Hyprpicker-git
    • Rofi-lbon-wayland-git
    • Slurp
    • Clipman
    • Swww
    • Wofi
    • wev
    • Foot
    • Wlsunset
  • Xdg-user-dirs

Other programs

  • Spotify
  • Waterfox-g4-bin
  • Discord
  • Nsxiv
  • Lxappearance
  • Peek
  • Gdu
  • Nano
  • Ripgrep
  • Graphicsmagick
  • Pulsemixer
  • Grub-tools
  • Man-db
  • Man-pages
  • Xorg-xinit
  • Xorg-xinput
  • Xorg-xkill
  • Wget


  • Minder
  • Onlyoffice
  • Figma-linux
  • Geogebra-5
  • Maple with Gym-package
  • Teams-for-linux
  • Zaread-git
  • Rofi-calc
  • Texlive-bibtexextra
  • Texlive-fontsextra
  • Texlive-formatsextra
  • Texlive-games
  • Texlive-humanities
  • Texlive-langchinese
  • Texlive-langcyrillic
  • Texlive-langextra
  • Texlive-langgreek
  • Texlive-langjapanese
  • Texlive-langkorean
  • Texlive-music
  • Texlive-pstricks
  • Texlive-publishers
  • Texlive-science
  • ttf-ms-fonts


  • Atlauncher
  • Asciiquarium
  • Figlet
  • Unimatrix-git
  • Lolcat
  • Cowsay
  • Cbonsai-git
  • Cava
  • Tspreed