
Bundle CommonJS modules for web browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript

modules-webmake - Bundle CommonJS modules for web browser

It's about organizing JavaScript code for browser same way as we do for Node.js. Modules rocks

If you're not that familiar with it (yet), see spec: http://www.commonjs.org/specs/modules/1.0/


$ npm install -g webmake


From the shell:

$ webmake path/to/program-module.js path/to/output.js

Program module is the main file in which you require needed stuff and make use of it.


var webmake = require('webmake');
webmake('/path/to/program-module.js', function (err, source) {
	// Do whatever you need with generated source


Application calculates dependencies by reading require paths from source code

Only plain written paths work

Following won't work:

require('./path/' + 'rest/of/path');

Supported are relative paths and outer packages paths

This will work:

require('../../module-path-up'); // unless it doesn't go out of current package scope

Absolute paths won't work (TODO)


Commented requires or requires found in strings will be picked up (TODO)

Current dependency parsing is rudimentary, unfortunately following will be picked up:

// require('./well/i/dont/need/that')
var generatedCode = 'var s = require("used/somewhere/else");';

stay tuned, it will be fixed.

Different versions of same package will colide (TODO)

Let's say, required package A uses version 0.2 of package C and required package B uses version 0.3 of same package, it will most likely crash. Currently webmake will take C in version that was called first and will give it to both A and B.


  • Right dependency parsing (probably with help of UglifyJS)
  • Absolute path lookups
  • Support different package versions
  • Compiled version (no boilerplate code overhead, trimed requires)