Performance basics

This is a small exercise to introduce the idea of perfomance in programming.

Oh no! Something went wrong with our database! Luckily you were able to record a database dump of JSON files Can you reconstruct which skills each user had and combine the data?


  • Download or clone this repo
  • Write a script where you import skills_10.json, users_10.json and users_skill_50.json
  • In this script combine the data from the json file into a single array of users with each users containing an array of skills
    id: 1,
    first_name: "Sigismond",
    last_name: "Ipplett",
    email: "",
    skills: [
      { id: 49, skill: "Hydrology" },
      { id: 33, skill: "Electrical Controls" },
      { id: 9, skill: "Training" },
      { id: 15, skill: "Ultiboard" },
      { id: 24, skill: "FP7" },
    id: 2,
    first_name: "Sofia",
    last_name: "Dyter",
    email: "",
    skills: [
      { id: 7, skill: "International Business" },
      { id: 14, skill: "CVM" },
      { id: 25, skill: "Global Marketing" },
      { id: 92, skill: "MGCP" },
      { id: 89, skill: "Zumba" },
  ... 8 more items
  • Find a way to measure how long your script takes to execute
  • Commit your current solution
  • Now try your solution with: skills_100.json, users_100.json and users_skill_500.json
  • What effect does the increase in data have on your execution time?
  • Can you think of way to optimize your code?