
A repository for a large variety of projects I have created over my career of doing Computer Science. The format is that each folder is a distinct project containing the application and, ideally, the source code that produced it!

Primary LanguageJava


A repository for a large variety of projects I have created over my career of doing Computer Science. I plan to continue work on some projects, and otherwise showcase my work or let others use what I've done so far to create even more glorious programs.


  • 8-Bit Art: An art program I created to permit me to produce my own art assets during the production of several other projects; a great host of useful features have been included to make the usage of this application convenient and efficient for whatever the artistic need may be (as long as it is below approximately 500x500 pixels in size. It still works, but performance declines as that rises, thus the focus on low-poly art designs.)

    • I'm really proud of this one, and am always interested in adding more features/figuring out how to increase its efficiency.
  • Ball Chamber: A game I made to test simulated physics and user-interaction with them; using the mouse, you guide a ball to avoid differently coloured balls bouncing around the level while collecting those that are the same colour. The caveat is that with each ball you grab, your colour changes.

  • Battleship: Models the classical game 'Battleship' based off a previous implementation I had done via the Command Line; this provides a visual representation of the game in its own application window, and permits the playing of 'Battleship' against a computer opponent.

  • Data Storage: A program that manages the categorical storing of data in text format, allowing sorted or searched-for viewing of that information to the user at their convenience. Was supposed to be used by someone, but ultimately was not. Still bitter.

  • Genderation: A program made for a Women and Gender Studies course's final project, it models a series of ten-question quizzes meant to delve into the concept of Gender in different time periods and be informative of how those concepts have changed over time and, as such, are artificial constructs used for a purpose which does not suit the best interests of everybody, so flouting them is acceptable and encouraged.

  • Mandelbrot Viewer: A program that displays a shallow image of the Mandelbrot Set; that is, it does not permit the infinite zooming-in that is definitive of the Mandelbrot Set visualization, but does display its top-most image, and permit some zooming/moving around the image alongside a selection of corruptions that produce interesting visuals.

  • Puzzle Board: A school project to make a sliding puzzle-board game which I enhanced to also let you draw your own image to be that which must be recreated, as well as give you some encouraging feedback when you finished.

  • Scientific Method: A game I made and produced art assets for with the 8-Bit Art program as a Women and Gender Studies final project. It simulates the imagined process of performing research in a scientific institute with attention paid to the differences in experience that people of varying identities face based on reports from government studies and journalistic writings I read.

    • Still in development, but works to my satisfaction now that I've fixed the image sourcing bug.
  • Sliding Wall: A game in a similar vein of complexity as Ball Chamber; you control which lane your player is in as walls with narrow gaps come hurtling toward you, and must avoid being hit. Incorporates a movement speed element wherein lane transfers take time as your entity moves in that direction, so timing is important.

  • Top Down Shooter Demo: One of the last games I made in a spate of creativity one summer, as the desire to make my own art assets for what was to be a top-down bullet-hell led to the creation of 8-Bit-Art and its ensuing transparency issues. This actualizes very smooth momentum-based movement and a shooting capability, which were essential to the later plans of it being a game before other projects distracted me. Should revisit.

  • Township: A game I made a long time ago using the NetBeans IDE, as opposed to my current IDE of Eclipse, as a stab at the turn-based resource-managing genre of games. It permits the growth of a fictional settlement and the automated gathering of resources via that population, as well as a victory condition within a quasi-narrative.